Man pages for lizhongliu1996/PredictMisc
package that use three methods to predict methylation regions

aclust.listDemoThis is data to be included in my package
beta2M_wrapperwrapper function to do beta to m value transformation
caretWrapperwarpper function of parameters for ramdom forest or suppport...
chrome_annot_filesThis is data to be included in my package
evaluateGlmnetfunction to do prediction and evaluate based on the results...
evaluateRFfunction to do prediction and evaluate based on the results...
evaluateSVMfunction to do prediction and evaluate based on the results...
Example_dfThis is data to be included in my package
ExampleMvalueThis is data to be included in my package
ExampleMvalue_testThis is data to be included in my package
ExampleMvalue_trainThis is data to be included in my package
fullCpGsselect method that use all cpgs within aclust or cometh...
getPC1get PC1 of cpg list
glmnet_Fit_lsThis is data to be included in my package
glmnetWrapperwarpper function of parameters for glmnet function
indexMeasurefunction that input a data table, returns a table that...
logitBfunction that do logit transformation
maxCpGsselect method that find the maximum expression within a...
methSplitfunction that split methylation data into train and test
parTtestfunction that do parallel t test and elect results based on...
pfcInfo_dfThis is data to be included in my package
phenoThis is data to be included in my package
phenoSplitfunction that split phenoData into train and test
pipeAclustEvaluate Prediction on Methylation Data
pipeComethEvaluate Prediction on Methylation Data
pipeMostSigEvaluate 'glmnet' Prediction on Methylation Data
pipeMostVarEvaluate 'glmnet' Prediction on Methylation Data
predict_wrapperwrapper function of three prediction methods
rf_FitThis is data to be included in my package
runAclusterfunction that run parallel acluster algorithm given a...
setParametersfunction that set parameters for glmnet
summarizeCpGssummarize function that choose cpgs based on different...
summaryInfofunction that create a information data frame that storage...
svm_FitThis is data to be included in my package
lizhongliu1996/PredictMisc documentation built on Aug. 23, 2019, 5:55 a.m.