Man pages for lkshrsch/gLVInterNetworks
Inference of interaction networks based on generalised Lotka Volterra dynamics

addNoise_resAdd stochasticity to in silico generated data
assessmentAssess results from inference algorithm
compare_matrixCompare two interaction matrices
compareStructuresParameter estimation over a list of different network...
comparisonAllStructuresData1Result of regression on all 64 possible structures for Data...
comparisonTwoStructuresData1Result of regression on two possible structures for Data set...
correctly_intervalized_estimatesCheck if confidence intervals of parameter estimates contain...
discreteFunction to discretize in silico generated data
draw_interaction_networkAdd stochasticity to in silico generated data
exampleData1dataset with 2 species
exampleData2dataset with 6 species
generate_interaction_networkAdd stochasticity to in silico generated data
gLVgenerateDataGenerate random data for gLV fitting
gLVInterNetworks-packageInference of interaction networks based on generalised Lotka...
gLVlinearRegressionParameter estimation of algebraic linear discrete gLV model
gLVnonlinearRegressionParameter estimation through gradient search of continuous...
inSilico_bioGenerate in silico data
interaction_compareCompare interaction parameters
log_slope_lukEstimates the slope of subsequential measurements
lrData1Result of linear regresssion on Data1
modfit_pars_estimate_MLE_sequentialParameter estimation in sequential manner using sensitivity...
networkStructuresGenerate list of network structures for testing with...
nlrData1Result of nonlinear regresssion on Data1
nlrData2Result of nonlinear regresssion on Data2
obs2data_bioCorrectly format observations into input data for the model
parameter_matrixCorrectly format a parameter vector into a matrix as input...
plotGraphPlot interaction network
plot.Inference_runPlot function for objects returned by the inference function
plot.Sim_dataPlot function for objects returned by in silico data...
points.Sim_dataAdd points corresponding to the original observations on top...
predictionPredictions for parameterized models on new variable states
print.summary.Inference_runOutput summary description from an inference run
random_interaction_matrix_bioGenerate a random parameter matrix
regularized_linear_regressionCompute regularized parameter estimates for the linear model
R_squaredCoefficient of determination or Explained variance
sensitivityAnalysisCompute parameter correlations and multicollinearity for the...
slopeCalculate slope estimate for time series observations
solveLV_bioWrapper for numerical computation of solutions of the gLV...
solveLV_Sens_bioWrapper for numerical computation of solutions of the gLV...
lkshrsch/gLVInterNetworks documentation built on May 21, 2019, 7:33 a.m.