select_: select from a TidySet

select.TidySetR Documentation

select from a TidySet


Use select to extract the columns of a TidySet object. You can use activate with filter or use the specific function. The S3 method filters using all the information on the TidySet.


## S3 method for class 'TidySet'
select(.data, ...)

select_set(.data, ...)

select_element(.data, ...)

select_relation(.data, ...)



The TidySet object


The name of the columns you want to keep, remove or rename.


A TidySet object

See Also

dplyr::select() and activate()

Other methods: TidySet-class, activate(), add_column(), add_relation(), arrange.TidySet(), cartesian(), complement_element(), complement_set(), complement(), element_size(), elements(), filter.TidySet(), group_by.TidySet(), group(), incidence(), intersection(), is.fuzzy(), is_nested(), move_to(), mutate.TidySet(), nElements(), nRelations(), nSets(), name_elements<-(), name_sets<-(), name_sets(), power_set(), pull.TidySet(), relations(), remove_column(), remove_element(), remove_relation(), remove_set(), rename_elements(), rename_set(), set_size(), sets(), subtract(), union()


relations <- data.frame(
    sets = c(rep("a", 5), "b", rep("a2", 5), "b2"),
    elements = rep(letters[seq_len(6)], 2),
    fuzzy = runif(12)
a <- tidySet(relations)
a <- mutate_element(a,
    type = c(rep("Gene", 4), rep("lncRNA", 2))
a <- mutate_set(a, Group = c("UFM", "UAB", "UPF", "MIT"))
b <- select(a, -type)
b <- select_element(a, elements)
# Select sets
select_set(a, sets)

llrs/BaseSet documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 9:05 a.m.