Man pages for llrs/BioCor
Functional similarities

addSimilaritiesAdditive integration of similarities
AintoBInsert a matrix into another
BioCor-packageBioCor: A package to calculate functional similarities
clusterGeneSimSimilarity score between clusters of genes based on genes...
clusterSimSimilarity score between clusters of genes based on pathways...
combinadici-th combination of n elements taken from r
combineScoresCombining values
combineSourcesCombine different sources of pathways
conversionsConvert the similarities formats
diceSimCompare pathways
duplicateIndicesFinds the indices of the duplicated events of a vector
geneSimSimilarity score genes based on pathways similarity
incidence-list-methodCreates the incidence matrix
inverseListInvert a list
mclusterGeneSimSimilarity score between clusters of genes based on genes...
mclusterSimSimilarity score between clusters of genes based on pathways...
mgeneSimSimilarity score genes based on pathways similarity
mpathSimCalculates the Dice similarity between pathways
pathSimCalculates the Dice similarity between pathways
plot_similarityThe position of the nodes is based on the similarity between...
removeDupRemove duplicated rows and columns
seq2matTransforms a vector to a symmetric matrix
similaritiesApply a function to a list of similarities
weightedWeighted operations
llrs/BioCor documentation built on Dec. 26, 2024, 11:52 a.m.