  collapse = TRUE,
  cache = FALSE,
  comment = "#>"

CompSign is a toolkit for differential abundance analysis of mutational signatures using a mixed effects Dirichlet-multinominal model (or simpler variations). The compositional nature of mutational signature exposures has often been overlooked but has important implications, as the analyses must be done in relative terms.


CompSign can be installed as usual from github:


These are the libraries used in this vignette:



Several datasets and objects can be loaded as follows using the data() function:


The package contains the following datasets of exposures of mutational signatures and metadata of the corresponding samples. These datasets are:

Example workflow

In this example workflow we determine differential abundance between clonal and subclonal mutations in Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.

sign objects: how to load them

PancEndocrine_signaturesMSE is an S4 object of class sign. sign objects include all information about the name of the samples, the mutation signature exposures (of all signatures, or only of the subset of active signatures as determined by Alexandrov et al. 2020). However, the use of these S4 objects is not necessary for running the models of differential abundance, which instead take a list as argument for the input data.

PancEndocrine_signaturesMSE = load_PCAWG("../inst/extdata/roo/Panc-Endocrine_signaturesMSE_ROO.RDS",
                                         read_directly = T,
                                         typedata = "signaturesMSE", override_warning_X_Z = T)
PancEndocrine_signaturesMSE_v2 = load_PCAWG(ct = "Panc-Endocrine", typedata = "signaturesMSE", path_to_data = "../inst/extdata/", load_all_sigs = F, override_warning_X_Z = T)

Visualisation of mutational signature exposures

All samples - clonal and subclonal - sorted by increasing SBS3 exposure:

              order_labels = names(sort(non_duplicated_rows(PancEndocrine_signaturesMSE$Y)[,'SBS3'],
                                        decreasing = F)), remove_labels=T,
              custom_color_palette=color_list)+ggtitle('Sorted by SBS3')

Subsetting the exposures

We create a simplified object containing exposures of fewer signatures (i.e. a subcomposition of the original signature vectors):

simplified_object <- give_subset_sigs_TMBobj(PancEndocrine_signaturesMSE,
                                             sigs_to_remove = c('SBS13', 'SBS17a', 'SBS17b', 'SBS30'))

In which simplified_object is a list containing simplified_object$x, simplified_object$z, simplified_object$Y, simplified_object$d (see Input dataset section below)

The clonal and subclonal exposures are, respectively, the two barplots below:'grid.arrange', list(grobs=lapply(split_matrix_in_half(simplified_object$Y), function(i) createBarplot(normalise_rw(i), remove_labels = T, custom_color_palette=color_list)), nrow=1))

Running the model for differential abundance

Variations of the model

There are several variations on the model, each with a particular combination of the following: - Base model: Dirichlet-multinomial in most cases, but two simpler models -- multinomial models diagRE_M and fullRE_M are implemented for comparison. - Random effects: correlated or not (e.g. uncorrelated in diagRE_DM, correlated in fullRE_DM). - Number of dispersion parameters: generally one per group (e.g. in diagRE_DM), but possibly fewer or more if specified in the name (e.g. one single dipersion parameter in diagREDMsinglelambda, one dispersion parameter per patient in diagDMpatientlambda).

| name of model (for user) | description |cpp file (no need to use) | |---|---|---| | diagREDMsinglelambda | DM with independent RE and one lambda | diagRE_dirichletmultinomial_single_lambda | | diagRE_DM | DM with independent RE and two lambdas | diagRE_ME_dirichletmultinomial | | diagRE_M | M with independent RE | diagRE_ME_multinomial | | FEDMsinglelambda | DM with no RE and one lambda | FE_dirichletmultinomial_single_lambda | | FE_DM | DM with no RE and two lambdas | FE_dirichletmultinomial | | fullREDMsinglelambda | DM with independent RE and two lambdas | fullRE_dirichletmultinomial_single_lambda | | fullRE_DMonefixedlambda | DM assuming that there is no overdispersion in the first group (fixed lambda=1) | fullRE_ME_dirichletmultinomial_onefixedlambda | | fullRE_DM | DM with correlated RE and two lambdas | fullRE_ME_dirichletmultinomial | | fullRE_M | M with correlated RE | fullRE_ME_multinomial | | singleRE_DM | DM with a single RE intercept and two lambdas | singleRE_dirichlet_multinomial | | diagDMpatientlambda | DM with independent RE and one lambda for each patient | diagREpatientlambda_ME_dirichletmultinomial | | fullDMpatientlambda | DM with correlated RE and one lambda for each patient | fullREpatientlambda_ME_dirichletmultinomial |

Input dataset

The input dataset is the argument object, which is a list with the following structure:

Minimal example

The first row is the <model> argument in the function wrapper_run_TMB().

We run the model diagREDMsinglelambda with the dataset simplified_object:

diagDM_no_small_sigs <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                                        model = "diagREDMsinglelambda", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)

This is the resulting object with the estimates and their standard deviations:


We can see how in this case we only have a single estimate for the dispersion parameter (log_lambda). The number of $\beta$ (20) corresonds to $2*(d-1)$ where $d$ is the number of mutations in the object (11, as seen in the bar plots above). The last signature or category, SBS39, is used as baseline signature in the ALR transformation. All beta parameters are in ALR-transformed space, using SBS39 as baseline. $\beta_0$ and $\beta_1$ results are intercalated, i.e. the $\beta$ in the first row corresponds to the $\beta_0$ of SBS1 wrt (with respect to) SBS39, the $\beta$ in the third row corresponds to the $\beta_0$ of SBS2 wrt (with respect to) SBS39, the $\beta$ in the first row corresponds to the $\beta_0$ of SBS1 wrt (with respect to) SBS39, etc.

These $\beta$ estimates can be plotted as follows:


and the p-value indicating differential abundance can be extracted:


Other models

Other models can be run similarly:

res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "diagREDMsinglelambda", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "diagRE_DM", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "diagRE_M", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "FEDMsinglelambda", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "FE_DM", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "fullREDMsinglelambda", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "fullRE_DMonefixedlambda", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "fullRE_DM", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "fullRE_M", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)
res <- wrapper_run_TMB(object = simplified_object,
                       model = "singleRE_DM", use_nlminb=T, smart_init_vals=F)

Patient-specific dispersion parameters

In a scenario where we have several samples for each patient, which can still be grouped in two or more groups (fixed effects), we might be interested in patient-specific dispersion parameters, besides the patient-specific intercepts that we had. This has been implemented:

Simulating data

n <- 40 ## patients
num_samples_per_patient = 30
stopifnot((num_samples_per_patient %% 2)==0)
z <-'rbind', replicate(expr = diag(n), n= num_samples_per_patient, simplify = F))
x <- cbind(rep(1, n*num_samples_per_patient),
           c(rep(0, (n*num_samples_per_patient)/2),
             rep(1, (n*num_samples_per_patient)/2)))
d = 5 ## number of signatures

random_effects <- matrix(runif(n*(d-1)), nrow=n, ncol=d-1)
fixed_effects <- matrix(runif(2*(d-1)), nrow=2, ncol=d-1)

alpha_mat <- x %*% fixed_effects + z %*% random_effects
alpha_mat_softmax = softmax( cbind(alpha_mat, 0) )

## lambda per patient
log_lambda_vec = runif(n, 3, 4)

## get patient-specific overdispersions
log_lambda_vec_per_obs <- z %*% log_lambda_vec

## simulate counts
Nm = rep(1000, n*num_samples_per_patient) ## fixed number of mutations
y = matrix(NA, nrow = n*num_samples_per_patient, ncol=d)
for(l in 1:(n*num_samples_per_patient)){
  ## for each patient-specific subsample
  alpha_l = alpha_mat_softmax[l,]*exp(log_lambda_vec_per_obs[l])
  y[l,] = HMP::Dirichlet.multinomial(Nrs = Nm[l], shape = alpha_l)

##' create object with information about covariates, which observations correspond
##' to which patients, and the input (counts)
obj_multilambda <- list(Y = y, x=x, z = z, num_individuals = n)

Estimate parameters

res_patient_lambda <- wrapper_run_TMB(obj_multilambda, model = 'diagDMpatientlambda')

Compare the estimates to the ground truth

The true parameters used for the simulation are found in the object obj_multilambda_parameters.

We can see how the parameters of interest are well recovered:

and two additional sets of parameters suffer from a bias due to having used the uncorrelated version of the model (i.e. diagDMpatientlambda instead of fullDMpatientlambda):

appender <- function(string){
    sapply(string, function(stringb){
      if(stringb == 'Intercept'){
      }else if (stringb == 'Slope'){
fixed_effects_estimate <- matrix(python_like_select_name(res_patient_lambda$par.fixed, 'beta'), nrow=2)
random_effects_estimate <- matrix(res_patient_lambda$par.random, ncol=ncol(obj_multilambda_parameters$fixed_effects))
log_lambda_vec_estimate <- python_like_select_name(res_patient_lambda$par.fixed, 'log_lambda')

list_comparisons_true_and_estimate = list(
  all_betas = data.frame(x = as.vector(obj_multilambda_parameters$fixed_effects),
                         y  = as.vector(fixed_effects_estimate)),
  beta_1 =  data.frame(x = obj_multilambda_parameters$fixed_effects[2,],
                       y  = fixed_effects_estimate[2,]),
  random_intercepts = data.frame(x = as.vector(obj_multilambda_parameters$random_effects), 
                                 y = as.vector(random_effects_estimate)),
  log_lambda =  data.frame(x = as.vector(obj_multilambda_parameters$log_lambda_vec), 
                           y = as.vector(log_lambda_vec_estimate)))

plots_comparisons_true_and_estimate <- lapply(1:length(list_comparisons_true_and_estimate), function(i){
  ggplot(list_comparisons_true_and_estimate[[i]], aes(x=x, y=y))+
    geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, lty='dashed')+
    ggtitle(gsub('_', ' ', names(list_comparisons_true_and_estimate)[i]))+
    labs(x='True value', y='Estimate')
})'grid.arrange', c(plots_comparisons_true_and_estimate, nrow=1))

lm687/CompSign documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 4:41 p.m.