

# get links and tags
sitemap <- xml2::read_xml("") %>%
  xml2::as_list() %>%

# probably re-inventing the wheel
get_one <- function(element, what){
  one <- unlist(element[[what]])
    one <- ""


# tibble with everything
sitemap <- tibble::tibble(url = purrr::map_chr(sitemap, get_one, "loc"),
                       date = purrr::map_chr(sitemap, get_one, "lastmod"))

# only blog posts
blog <- dplyr::filter(sitemap, !stringr::str_detect(url, "tags\\/"))
blog <- dplyr::filter(blog, !stringr::str_detect(url, "categories\\/"))
blog <- dplyr::filter(blog, !stringr::str_detect(url, "statuses\\/"))
blog <- dplyr::filter(blog, url != "")
blog <- dplyr::filter(blog, !stringr::str_detect(url, "*?\\/.*?\\/"))
blog <- dplyr::filter(blog, url != "")
blog <- dplyr::filter(blog, url != "")

# get all yam
gh_info <- dplyr::filter(gh_info, !stringr::str_detect(name, "\\.Rmd"))

# join
dash_filename = function(string, pattern = '[^[:alnum:]^\\.]+') {
  tolower(string) %>%
    stringr::str_replace_all("รข", "") %>%
    stringr::str_replace_all("DataOps.*? it.*?s a thing (honest)",
                             "dataops--its-a-thing-honest") %>%
    stringr::str_replace_all(pattern, '-') %>%
    stringr::str_replace_all('^-+|-+$', '')

gh_info <- dplyr::mutate(gh_info,
                         base = ifelse(!, slug, title),
                         base = dash_filename(base),
                         false_url = paste0("",
                                      base, "/"))

all_info <- fuzzyjoin::stringdist_left_join(blog, gh_info,
                                            by = c("url" = "false_url"),
                                            max_dist = 3)
# hard code the module thing
good <- all_info[all_info$url == "",][1,]
all_info <- all_info[all_info$url != "",]
all_info <- rbind(all_info, good)

good <- all_info[all_info$url == "",][2,]
all_info <- all_info[all_info$url != "",]
all_info <- rbind(all_info, good)
lockedata/locketweet documentation built on May 21, 2019, 1:19 p.m.