parse_log_detailed: Obtain a detailed git log

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Functions Warning See Also

View source: R/detailed.R


This function returns a git log in a tabular format.


parse_log_detailed(path = ".", update_dump = TRUE)

parse_log_detailed_full_run(path = ".", na_to_zero = TRUE,
  file_name = NULL, commit_range = NULL)



The path to the git directory one wants to create summaries for.


Whether or not to update the dump in .gitsum after parsing.


Whether some NA values should be converted to zero. See 'Details'.


The path to a raw log. If NULL, a raw log is created and read in and deleted after read-in, otherwise, an existing log is read.


A string of the form "hash1..hash2" indicating the commit range to parse. NULL means all commits.



A parsed git log as a nested tibble. Each line corresponds to a commit. The unnested column names are:
short_hash, author_name, date, short_message, hash, left_parent, right_parent, author_email, weekday, month, monthday, time, year, timezone, message, description, total_files_changed, total_insertions, total_deletions, short_description, is_merge
The nested columns contain more information on each commit. The column names are:
changed_file, edits, insertions, deletions.



The number of edits, insertions, and deletions (on a file level) are based on git log --stat and the number of + and - in this log. The number of + and - may not sum up to the edits indicated as a scalar after "|" in git log --stat for commits with very many changed lines since for those, the + and - only indicate the relative share of insertions and edits. Therefore, parse_log_detailed_full_run() normalizes the insertions and deletions and rounds these after the normalization to achieve more consistent results. However, there is no guarantee that these numbers are always exact. The column is_exact indicates for each changed file within a commit whether the result is exact (which is the case if the normalizing constant was one).

See Also

See parse_log_simple for a fast alternative with less information.

lorenzwalthert/gitsum documentation built on Jan. 17, 2021, 9:34 p.m.