Man pages for luismurao/bam
Species Distribution Models in the light of the BAM theory

adj_matadj_mat: Function to compute the adjacency matrix of an area.
bam-classClass 'bam' digram
bam_clustersbam_clusters: Function to estimate the connectivity of...
bam_islandsbam_islands: Estimates the number of connected patches of a...
bam_simbam_sim: Simulate dispersal dynamics using the set B of the...
bam_ssimbam_ssim: Simulate dispersal dynamics using the set B of the...
bioindex-classClass 'bioindex'
bioindex_sparse-classClass 'bioindex_sparse'
community_simcommunity_bam: Community 'bam'
community_sim-classClass 'community_sim' digram
csd-classClass 'csd'
csd_estimatecsd_estimate: Estimate the connectivity suitability and...
csim2pamcsim2pam: Converts community simulation to a Presence Absence...
diversity_range_analysisrange_diversity_analysis: diversity analysis
diversity_range-classClass 'diversity_range'
dot-nonzeroHelper function to compute the elements in g0 that have no...
eigen_bameigen_bam: Compute the Eigen system of two bam objects
g_area-classS4 classes to organize data and results of 'bam' objects
jaccardjaccard: Estimates the Jaccard index for comparing two binary...
model2sparsemodel2sparse: Converts a niche model into a diagonal sparse...
models2pammodels2pam: Converts binary rasters to a PAM
null_dispersion_field_distributionnull_dispersion_field_distribution: Null distribution of the...
occs2sparseoccs2sparse: Converts occurrence data into a sparse matrix...
pam2bioindexpam2bioindex: PAM to biodiversity index
pam2richnesspam2richness: Converts Presence Absence Matrix (pam object)...
pam-classClass 'pam' Presence-Absence Matrix
permute_pampermute_pam: Function to permute a Presence-Absence-Matrix.
plotPlot method for objects of class diversity_range 'bam'.
predictPredict method of the package 'bam'.
sdm_simsdm_sim: Simulate single species dispersal dynamics using the...
setAClass for the A set of the BAM diagram
setM-classClass for the M set of the 'bam' digram
shape2Gridshape2Grid: Function to create a grid given a spatial polygon
showShow information in setA class 'bam'.
sim2Animationsim2Animation: Animate BAM simulation object.
sim2Rastersim2Raster: Convert a BAM simulation object to RasterStack
luismurao/bam documentation built on Nov. 28, 2022, 3:02 p.m.