
Defines functions cov_center

Documented in cov_center

#' Function to compute the shape (covarince) and center of an ellipsoid model
#' @description Function to compute covariance and the center of an
#' ellipsoid model using the values of the niche variables of the ocurrences points
#' @param data A data.frame or a matrix with the numeric values of the variables
#' that will be used to model the niche.
#' @param mve A logical value. If TRUE a minimum volume ellipsoid will be computed using
#' the function \code{\link[MASS]{cov.mve}} of the \pkg{MASS} package. If False the covariance matrix of the input data will be used.
#' @param level A numerical value specifying the proportion of the data to be
#' used to compute the ellipsoid.
#' @param vars A numeric vector specifying the columns indexes of the variables of the input data
#' which will be used to fit the ellipsoid model. If NULL the user will be asked to enter the indexes
#' interactively
#' @return Returns a list containing the centroid of the ellipsoid, the covariance matrix based on
#' the input data and the input data.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Load niche data
#' # d_cardon <-  read.csv(system.file("extdata", "cardon_virtual.csv", package = "nichetoolbox"))
#' ## Look the data
#' # head(d_cardon)
#' ## Compute the centroid and shape (covariance matrix) of the ellipsoid model.
#' ## The user will be asked to enter the variables indexes
#' #covar_centroid <- cov_center(d_cardon,mve=TRUE,level=0.99,vars=NULL)
#' ## Alternatively you can specify the columns indexes of the variables
#' # covar_centroid <- cov_center(d_cardon,mve=TRUE,level=0.99,vars=c(3,4,5))
#' #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Check the output +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++#
#' ## ellipsoid center
#' # covar_centroid$centroid
#' ## ellipsoid shape
#' # covar_centroid$covariance
#' ## Data input
#' # head(covar_centroid$data)
cov_center <- function(data,mve=TRUE,level,vars=NULL){


    nvars <- readline(prompt="Number of variables to fit the ellipsoid model:\n\n")
    data <- data.frame(data)

    allvars <- names(data)
    vars <- numeric(nvars)
    cat('Select a variable form the list:\n\n')
    for (i in 1:dim(data)[2]){

    cont <- 1
    while(0 %in% vars){
      n <- readline(prompt="Enter an option from the above list: ")

      if(n %in% 1:dim(data)[2]){
        vars[cont] <- as.numeric(n)
        cont <- cont+1
        cat('Option not in the list:\n')

  data <- data[,vars]


    # Compute the number of points of our data that represent the proportion of the data
    NDquntil <- function(nD,level){
      n <- round(nD*level)
      if(n > nD)
        n <- nD

    n <-NDquntil(dim(data)[1],level)
    # Centroid and covarianve for the Minimum volume Ellipsoid
    cent_var <- cov.mve(data,quantile.used =n)
    centroid <- cent_var$center
    vari <- cent_var$cov
    centroid <- colMeans(data)
    vari <- cov(data)
  # Niche Volume (ellipsoid volume)
  #eli_vol <- structure(list(cov = vari,
  #                          loc = centroid,
  #                          d2 = qchisq(0.95, df = dim(vari)[1])),
  #                     class = "ellipsoid")
  #niche_volume <- volume(eli_vol)

  # Axis length computations

  eigen_vals  <- eigen(vari)$values
  eigen_vecs  <- eigen(vari)$vectors

  eigen_scale  <- eigen_vecs %*% diag(sqrt(eigen_vals))
  for(i in 1:dim(vari)[1]){
    assign(paste0("x_m",i), rbind(centroid[i] + eigen_scale[i, ],
                                  centroid[i] - eigen_scale[i, ]))
  expre1 <- paste0("x_m",1:dim(vari)[1])
  centroid_text <- paste0("c(",paste0(centroid,collapse = ","),")")
  axis_length <- list()
  for(k in 1:dim(vari)[1]){
    expre2 <- paste0(expre1,"[",1,",",k,"],")
    expre3 <- paste0("sqrt(sum((c(",paste0(expre2,collapse = ""),
                     "NULL) - ",centroid_text ,")^2","))*2")
    axis_length[[k]] <- eval(parse(text = letters[k]))

  names(axis_length) <- letters[1:dim(vari)[1]]
  axis_length <- unlist(axis_length)

  # Ellipsoid volume 2
  #ellip_vol <- function(n,axis_length){
  #  term1 <- pi^(n/2) / gamma(n/2+1)
  #  term2 <- prod(axis_length)
  #  return(term1*term2)
  n <- dim(vari)[1]

  ellip_vol <- function(n,axis_length){
    term1 <- 2* pi^(n/2)
    term2 <- n*gamma(n/2)
    term3 <- prod(axis_length)
    term4 <- (term1/term2)*term3
  vol2 <- ellip_vol(n,axis_length)

              data=data,niche_volume =vol2,

luismurao/nichetoolbox documentation built on May 21, 2019, 8:56 a.m.