# Niche groups: Groups may reflect local adaptations.
layer_names_kmeans <- c("Extract niche values "=1)
dataset_cluster <- c("Extract niche values "=1)
ui_kmeans <- sidebarLayout(position = "left",
titlePanel("Niche ToolBox"),
helpText("In development: The main objective of this function is to see if there are
groups in the niche. The groups could be reflecting local adaptations..."),
selectInput("kmeans_data_from",label = "Select a data set",choices = NULL),
selectInput("cluster_vars","Select at least 3 niche variables",choices = layer_names_kmeans,multiple = TRUE),
numericInput("Suggest a number of clusters",inputId = "nclust",value = 3,min = 2,max=100),
numericInput("kmeans_level", "Select a conffidence level",value = 0.95,min = 0.5,max=0.99),
shiny::checkboxInput("km_mve","Minumum Volume Ellipsoid",value = TRUE),
busyIndicator("Computation In progress",wait = 0),
actionButton("load_kmeas_vars","Go!!!",styleclass = "primary"),
selectInput(inputId = "x1",label = "Select a variable for the x-axis",
choices = layer_names_kmeans,selected = layer_names_kmeans),
selectInput(inputId = "y1",label = "Select a variable for the y-axis",
choices = layer_names_kmeans,selected = layer_names_kmeans),
selectInput(inputId = "z1",label = "Select a variable for the z-axis",
choices = layer_names_kmeans,selected = layer_names_kmeans),
#selectInput(inputId = "algoritmo",label = "Select one algorithm",choices=c("Hartigan-Wong", "Lloyd", "Forgy",
# "MacQueen")),
checkboxInput("ellips",label = "Show ellipsoids",value = TRUE),
#selectInput(inputId ="grupos" ,"Gruop by",choices = c("K-means"="kmeans","An ID in the Database"="bd")),
checkboxInput(inputId ="grupos" ,"Group by an ID in the data base:",value = FALSE),
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.grupos==true",
selectInput("vgrupo",label = "Select the variable",choices = names(dataset_cluster)[1])),
numericInput(inputId = "cex1","Font size",min = 0.05,max = 1,step = 0.01,value = 0.35),
sliderInput("alpha",label = "Ellipsoid transparency",min = 0,max=1,value = 0.1,step = 0.05),
p("Download a k-means table"),
downloadButton("downloadKmeans",label = "Download K-means"),
p("Download ellipsoid metadata for each cluster"),
downloadButton("downloadKmetada",label = "Download")
#downloadButton("down3dClust",label = "Download plot")),
leafletOutput(outputId = "kmeans_geo_leaflet"),
rglwidgetOutput("kmeans_clust_3d",width = "800px",height = "800px")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.