
#' @title Calculate a set of distance measures for satellite image time series
#' @name sits_distances
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @description This function allows the user to select different alternatives to define a set of
#' distances between a set of satellite image time series and a set of patterns.
#'  The alternatives are:
#' "TWTDTW"    - uses the TWDTW (time-weighted dynamic time warping)
#' other methods as used by the TSdist package
#' @param data.tb          a SITS tibble time series
#' @param patterns.tb      a set of patterns obtained from training samples
#' @param bands            the bands to be used for determining patterns
#' @param dist_method      a method for calculating distances between time series
#' @return result          a set of distance metrics
#' @export
sits_distances <- function(data.tb, patterns.tb, bands = NULL,
                           dist_method = sits_TWDTW_distances(data.tb = NULL, patterns.tb = NULL, bands = bands, alpha = -0.1, beta = 100, theta = 0.5, span = 0)) {

    # does the input data exist?
    .sits_test_table (data.tb)
    .sits_test_table (patterns.tb)
    # is the train method a function?
    ensurer::ensure_that(dist_method, class(.) == "function", err_desc = "sits_distances: dist_method is not a valid function")

    # compute the training method by the given data
    result <- dist_method(data.tb)

#' @title Calculate a set of distance measures for satellite image time series
#' @name sits_TS_distances
#' @author Rolf Simoes, \email{rolf.simoes@@inpe.br}
#' @author Gilberto Camara, \email{gilberto.camara@@inpe.br}
#' @description This function allows the user to select different alternatives to define a set of
#' distances between a set of satellite image time series and a set of patterns.
#' The following alternatives are available in the TSdist package:
#' "euclidean": Euclidean distance.
#' "manhattan": Manhattan distance.
#' "minkowski": Minkowski distance.
#' "infnorm": Infinite norm distance.
#' "ccor": Distance based on the cross-correlation.
#' "sts": Short time series distance.
#' "dtw": Dynamic Time Warping distance. Uses the dtw package (see dtw).
#' "lb.keogh": LB_Keogh lower bound for the Dynamic Time Warping distance.
#' "edr": Edit distance for real sequences.
#' "erp": Edit distance with real penalty.
#' "lcss": Longest Common Subsequence Matching.
#' "fourier": Distance based on the Fourier Discrete Transform.
#' "tquest": TQuest distance.
#' "dissim": Dissim distance.
#' "acf": Autocorrelation-based dissimilarity, Uses the TSclust package (see diss.ACF).
#' "pacf": Partial autocorrelation-based dissimilarity. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.PACF).
#' "ar.lpc.ceps": Dissimilarity based on LPC cepstral coefficients. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.AR.LPC.CEPS).
#' "ar.mah": Model-based dissimilarity proposed by Maharaj (1996, 2000). Uses the TSclust package (see diss.AR.MAH).
#' "ar.pic": Model-based dissimilarity measure proposed by Piccolo (1990). Uses the TSclust package (see diss.AR.PIC).
#' "cdm": Compression-based dissimilarity measure. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.CDM).
#' "cid": Complexity-invariant distance measure. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.CID).
#' "cor": Dissimilarities based on Pearson's correlation. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.COR).
#' "cort": Dissimilarity index which combines temporal correlation and raw value behavior. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.CORT).
#' "wav": Dissimilarity based on wavelet feature extraction. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.DWT).
#' "int.per": Integrated periodogram based dissimilarity IntPerDistance. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.INT.PER).
#' "per": Periodogram based dissimilarity PerDistance. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.PER).
#' "mindist.sax": Symbolic Aggregate Aproximation based dissimilarity. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.MINDIST.SAX).
#' "ncd": Normalized compression based distance NCDDistance. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.NCD).
#' "pred": Dissimilarity measure cased on nonparametric forecasts PredDistance. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.PRED).
#' "spec.glk": Dissimilarity based on the generalized likelihood ratio test. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.SPEC.GLK).
#' "spec.isd": Dissimilarity based on the integrated squared difference between the log-spectra. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.SPEC.ISD).
#' "spec.llr": General spectral dissimilarity measure using local-linear estimation of the logspectra. Uses the TSclust package (see diss.SPEC.LLR).
#' "pdc": Permutation Distribution Distance. Uses the pdc package (see pdcDist).
#' "frechet": Frechet distance. Uses the longitudinalData package (see distFrechet).
#' @param data.tb          a SITS tibble time series
#' @param patterns.tb      a set of patterns obtained from training samples
#' @param bands            the bands to be used for determining patterns
#' @param distance         a method for calculating distances between time series
#' @param ...              Additional parameters required by the distance method.
#' @return result          a set of distance metrics
#' @export
sits_TS_distances <- function (data.tb = NULL, patterns.tb = NULL, bands = NULL, distance = "dtw", ...) {

    # function that returnsa distance table
    result_fun <- function(data.tb, patterns.tb){

        # does the input data exist?
        .sits_test_table (data.tb)
        .sits_test_table (patterns.tb)

        # handle the case of null bands
        if (purrr::is_null (bands)) bands <- sits_bands(data.tb)

        distances.tb <-  sits_distance_table(patterns.tb)
        original_row <-  1

        labels <- (dplyr::distinct(patterns.tb, label))$label
        bands  <- sits_bands (patterns.tb)

        progress_bar <- NULL
        if (nrow (data.tb) > 10) {
            message("Finding distances from data to patterns...")
            progress_bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(data.tb), style = 3)
            i <- 0

        data.tb %>%
            purrrlyr::by_row(function (row) {
                ts <- row$time_series[[1]]
                drow.tb <- sits_distance_table(patterns.tb)
                r <- dplyr::add_row(drow.tb)
                r$original_row <- original_row
                r$reference    <- row$label
                patterns.tb %>%
                    purrrlyr::by_row(function (rowp) {
                        labelp <- rowp$label
                        tsp <- rowp$time_series[[1]]
                        bands %>%
                            purrr::map (function (b) {
                                ts_x <- sits_tozoo (ts, b)
                                ts_y <- sits_tozoo (tsp, b)
                                measure <-  paste0(labelp, ".", b)
                                r [measure] <<- TSdist::TSDistances(ts_x, ts_y, distance = distance, ...)
                distances.tb <<- dplyr::bind_rows(distances.tb, r)
                # update progress bar
                if (!purrr::is_null(progress_bar)) {
                    i <<- i + 1
                    utils::setTxtProgressBar(progress_bar, i)
    if (!purrr::is_null(progress_bar)) close(progress_bar)
    return (distances.tb)
    result <- .sits_factory_function2 (data.tb, patterns.tb, result_fun)

luizassis/sits documentation built on May 30, 2019, 7:15 p.m.