
# holistOmics -------------------------------------------------------
##    ######...: Set of expression sets one for each omic dataset
##    dataInput: (list) List of expression sets one for each omic dataset
##    dataTypes: (character) string vector with possible values: 'RNA-seq', 'microarray'
##    design: (numeric) the outcome in numeric form
##    comb.method = c("Fisher", "Liptak", "Tippett"): (character) Method(s) for combining p-values
##    numPerm = 1000: (numeric) number of permutations to perform
##    numCores = 1: (numeric) number of CPU cores to use
##    An object of class 'holistOmics'

#' @export
#' @import affy
#' @import edgeR
#' @import limma
#' @import foreach
#' @title HolistOmics an application of NPC on omics datasets
#' @aliases holistOmics,list,character-method
#' @description
#' This function is defunct. Use omicsNPC instead.
#' @usage holistOmics(dataInput, dataTypes, comb.method = c("Fisher", "Liptak", "Tippett"),
#'                numPerm = 1000, numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE)
#' @param dataInput List of ExpressionSet objects, one for each data modality.
#' @param dataTypes Character vector with possible values: 'RNA-seq', 'microarray'
#' @param comb.method Character vector with possible values: 'Fisher', 'Liptak',
#' 'Tippett', if more than one is specified, all will be used.
#' @param numPerm Number of permutations
#' @param numCores Number of CPU cores to use
#' @param verbose Logical, if set to TRUE holistOmics prints out the step that it performs
#' @return A data.frame
#' @author Nestoras Karathanasis
#' @references
#' Pesarin, Fortunato, and Luigi Salmaso. Permutation tests for complex data: theory, applications and software.
#' John Wiley & Sons, 2010.
#' @examples
#' # Load the data
#' data("TCGA_BRCA_Batch_93")
#' # Setting dataTypes, the first two ExpressionSets include RNAseq data,
#' # the third ExpressionSet includes Microarray data.
#' dataTypes <- c("RNAseq", "RNAseq", "Microarray")
#' # Setting methods to combine pvalues
#' comb.method = c("Fisher", "Liptak", "Tippett")
#' # Setting number of permutations
#' numPerm = 1000
#' # Setting number of cores
#' numCores = 1
#' # Setting holistOmics to print out the steps that it performs.
#' verbose = TRUE
#' # Run holistOmics analysis.
#' # The output is a data.frame of p-values.
#' # Each row corresponds to a gene name. Each column corresponds to a method
#' # used in the analysis.
#' \dontrun{out <- holistOmics(dataInput = TCGA_BRCA_Data, dataTypes = dataTypes,
#'                             comb.method = comb.method, numPerm = numPerm,
#'                             numCores = numCores, verbose = verbose)}

           def=function(dataInput, dataTypes,
                        comb.method = c("Fisher", "Liptak", "Tippett"),
                        numPerm = 1000, numCores = 1, verbose = FALSE)

        dataInput = "list",
        dataTypes = "character"),
    definition=function(dataInput, dataTypes, comb.method, numPerm, numCores, verbose){
        #This function is defunct.
lunacab/STATegRa documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:42 a.m.