
Defines functions print.bp vars_exist specs_integrity

specs_integrity <- function(data, specs, stat = NULL) {
    vars <- specs$vars

    if (is.null(stat))
        stat <- ''

    if (any(vars$xvars %in% vars$yvars)) {
        stop("Oops, you have one or more variables that are the same in",
             " both xvars and yvars. Please don't include the same variable",
             " in both xvars and yvars.", call. = FALSE)

    if (any(is.null(vars$yvars), is.null(vars$xvars))) {
        if (any(is.null(vars$yvars), is.null(vars$xvars)) &
            stat != "cor") {
            stop('Please include a variable in both yvars and xvars.', call. = FALSE)
        if (all(is.null(vars$xvars), stat == "cor")) {
            stop("Please include a variable for the xvars.", call. = FALSE)

    if (!is.null(vars$covariates)) {
        if (any(vars$covariates %in% c(vars$yvars, vars$xvars))) {
                'A covariate is also listed as a yvar or xvar. ',
                'It should be in only one or the other.',
                call. = FALSE
        if (!is.null(vars$interaction)) {
            if (length(vars$interaction) > 1)
                stop('Currently only one interaction can be added at a time.')
            if (!vars$interaction %in% vars$covariates)
                stop('Please include ',
                     ' in the covariates as well.',
                     call. = FALSE)

    if (stat == 'pls') {
        if (!any(sapply(data[c(vars$xvars, vars$yvars)], is.numeric))) {
            stop('One or more of the variables are not numeric. PLS only takes numeric variables.',
                 call. = FALSE)

vars_exist <- function(data, vars) {
    vars.want <- vars
    vars.have <- names(data)
    index <- vars.want %in% vars.have
    if (!any(index)) {
        vars <-
            paste(vars.want[which(!vars.want %in% vars.have)], separate = ', ')
        stop('The variables ',
             ' do not exist in the dataset.',
             call. = FALSE)

#' @export
print.bp <- function(x, ...) {
    specs <- attributes(x)$specs
    if (is.null(specs$results)) {
        cat("# Analysis for", specs$stat, "is still under construction.",
            "\n# Showing data right now:\n")
        obj <- tibble::as_tibble(unclass(x))
        print(obj, n = 6)
    } else if (!is.null(specs$results)) {
            '# Analysis for', specs$stat, 'constructed but has not been scrubbed.',
            '\n# Here is a peek at the results:\n'
        if ('pls_bp' %in% class(x)) {
            print(summary(attr(x, 'specs')$results))
        } else {
            obj <- tibble::as_tibble(attr(x, 'specs')$results)
            print(obj, n = 6)
    } else {
        warning('Nothing to show yet, is something wrong maybe?')
lwjohnst86/mason documentation built on June 7, 2020, 3:08 a.m.