drawTreemap: drawTreemap

View source: R/drawTreemap.R

drawTreemapR Documentation



Draws the treemap object that was obtained by running voronoiTreemap or sunburstTreemap. Many graphical parameters can be customized but some settings that determine the appearance of treemaps are already made during treemap generation. Such parameters are primarily cell size and initial shape of the treemap.


  levels = 1:length(treemap@call$levels),
  color_type = "categorical",
  color_level = NULL,
  color_palette = NULL,
  color_steps = 10,
  border_level = levels,
  border_size = 6,
  border_color = grey(0.9),
  label_level = max(levels),
  label_size = 1,
  label_color = grey(0.9),
  label_autoscale = TRUE,
  title = NULL,
  title_size = 1,
  title_color = grey(0.5),
  legend = FALSE,
  legend_position = "left",
  legend_size = 0.1,
  custom_range = NULL,
  width = 0.9,
  height = 0.9,
  layout = c(1, 1),
  position = c(1, 1),
  add = FALSE



(treemapResult) Either a voronoiResult or sunburstResult object that contains polygons and metadata as output from running voronoiTreemap or sunburstTreemap.


(numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical levels that are drawn. The default is to draw all levels.


(character) One of "categorical", "cell_size", "both", or "custom_color". For "categorical", each cell is colored based on the (parent) category it belongs. Colors may repeat if there are many cells. For "cell_size", cells are colored according to their relative area. For "both", cells are be colored the same way as for "categorical", but lightness is adjusted according to cell area. For "custom_color", a color index is used that was specified by custom_color during treemap generation. Use NULL to omit drawing colors.


(numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical level that should be used for cell coloring. Must be one of levels. Default is to use the lowest level cells for Voronoi treemaps and all levels for sunburst treemaps.


(character) A character vector of colors used to fill cells. The default is to use rainbow_hcl


(numeric) Approximate number of steps for the color gradient to be used when drawing cells with color_type = "cell_size". Default step number is 10, and final step number can a vary a bit because pretty() is used to calculate a decent color range.


(numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical level that should be used for drawing cell borders, or NULL to omit drawing borders, The default is that all borders are drawn.


(numeric) A single number indicating initial line width of the highest level cells. Is reduced each level, default is 6 pts. Alternatively a vector of length(border_level), then each border is drawn with the specified width.


(character) A single character indicating color for cell borders, default is a light grey. Alternatively a vector of length(border_level), then each border is drawn with the specified color.


(numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical level that should be used for drawing cell labels, or NULL to omit drawing labels. The default is the deepest level (every cell has a label).


(numeric) A single number indicating relative size of each label in relation to its parent cell. Alternatively a numeric vector of length(label_level) that specifies relative size of labels for each level individually.


(character) A single character indicating color for cell labels. Alternatively a vector of length(label_level), then each label is drawn with the specified color.


(logical) Whether to automatically scale labels based on their estimated width. Default is TRUE.


(character) An optional title, default to NULL.


(numeric) The size (or 'character expansion') of the title.


(character) Color for title.


(logical) Set to TRUE if a color key should be drawn. Default is FALSE.


(character) The position of the legend, one of "left" (default), "right", "top", or "bottom".


(numeric) The relative size of the legend (0 to 1), default is 0.1.


(numeric) A numeric vector of length 2 that can be used to rescale the values in custom_color to the range of choice. The default is NULL and it only has an effect if custom_color was specified when generating the treemap.


(numeric) The width (0 to 0.9) of the viewport that the treemap will occupy.


(numeric) The height (0 to 0.9) of the viewport that the treemap will occupy.


(numeric) Vector of length 2 indicating the number of rows and columns that the plotting area is supposed to be subdivided in. Useful only together with position, which indicates the position of the specific treemap. Use add = TRUE to omit starting a new page every time you call drawTreemap().


(numeric) Vector of length 2 indicating the position where the current treemap should be drawn. Useful only together with layout, which indicates the number of rows and columns the plotting area is subdivided into. Use add = TRUE to omit starting a new page every time you call drawTreemap().


(logical) Defaults to FALSE, creating a new page when drawing a treemap. When multiple treemaps should be plotted on the same page, this should be set to TRUE, and position of treemaps specified by layout and position arguments.


The function does not return a value (except NULL). It creates a grid viewport and draws the treemap.

See Also

voronoiTreemap for generating the treemap that is the input for the drawing function


# load package

# generate dummy data
df <- data.frame(
  A = rep(c("abcd", "efgh"), each = 4),
  B = letters[1:8],
  size = c(37, 52, 58, 27, 49, 44, 34, 45)

# compute treemap
tm <- voronoiTreemap(
  data = df,
  levels = c("B"),
  cell_size = "size",
  shape = "circle",
  positioning = "regular",
  seed = 123

# plot treemap with each cell colored by name (default)
drawTreemap(tm, label_size = 1, color_type = "categorical")

# plot treemap with each cell colored by name, but larger cells
# lighter and smaller cells darker
drawTreemap(tm, label_size = 1, color_type = "both")

# plot treemap with different color palette and style
drawTreemap(tm, label_size = 1, label_color = grey(0.3),
            border_color = grey(0.3), color_palette = heat.colors(6)

# ---------------------------------------------

# load example data
mtcars$car_name = gsub(" ", "\n", row.names(mtcars))

# generate sunburst treemap
tm <- sunburstTreemap(
  data = mtcars,
  levels = c("gear", "cyl"),
  cell_size = "hp"

# draw treemap
  title = "A sunburst treemap",
  legend = TRUE,
  border_size = 2,
  label_color = grey(0.6)

m-jahn/WeightedTreemaps documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 10:09 a.m.