#' drawTreemap
#' Draws the treemap object that was obtained by running \code{\link{voronoiTreemap}} or
#' \code{\link{sunburstTreemap}}. Many graphical parameters can be customized but some
#' settings that determine the appearance of treemaps are already made
#' during treemap generation. Such parameters are primarily cell size and
#' initial shape of the treemap.
#' @param treemap (treemapResult) Either a \code{voronoiResult} or \code{sunburstResult}
#' object that contains polygons and metadata as output from running
#' \code{\link{voronoiTreemap}} or \code{\link{sunburstTreemap}}.
#' @param levels (numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical levels
#' that are drawn. The default is to draw all levels.
#' @param color_type (character) One of "categorical", "cell_size", "both", or "custom_color".
#' For "categorical", each cell is colored based on the (parent) category it belongs.
#' Colors may repeat if there are many cells. For "cell_size", cells are colored
#' according to their relative area. For "both", cells are be colored the same
#' way as for "categorical", but lightness is adjusted according to cell area.
#' For "custom_color", a color index is used that was specified by
#' \code{custom_color} during treemap generation. Use \code{NULL} to omit drawing colors.
#' @param color_level (numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical level
#' that should be used for cell coloring. Must be one of \code{levels}.
#' Default is to use the lowest level cells for Voronoi treemaps and all levels
#' for sunburst treemaps.
#' @param color_palette (character) A character vector of colors used to fill cells.
#' The default is to use \code{\link[colorspace]{rainbow_hcl}}
#' @param color_steps (numeric) Approximate number of steps for the color gradient
#' to be used when drawing cells with \code{color_type = "cell_size"}.
#' Default step number is 10, and final step number can a vary a bit because
#' \code{pretty()} is used to calculate a decent color range.
#' @param border_level (numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical level that should be
#' used for drawing cell borders, or NULL to omit drawing borders, The default is
#' that all borders are drawn.
#' @param border_size (numeric) A single number indicating initial line width of the highest level
#' cells. Is reduced each level, default is 6 pts. Alternatively a vector of
#' \code{length(border_level)}, then each border is drawn with the specified width.
#' @param border_color (character) A single character indicating color for cell borders,
#' default is a light grey. Alternatively a vector of \code{length(border_level)},
#' then each border is drawn with the specified color.
#' @param label_level (numeric) A numeric vector representing the hierarchical level that should be
#' used for drawing cell labels, or NULL to omit drawing labels. The default is the
#' deepest level (every cell has a label).
#' @param label_size (numeric) A single number indicating relative size of each label
#' in relation to its parent cell. Alternatively a numeric vector of
#' \code{length(label_level)} that specifies relative size of labels for each level
#' individually.
#' @param label_color (character) A single character indicating color for cell labels.
#' Alternatively a vector of \code{length(label_level)}, then each label
#' is drawn with the specified color.
#' @param label_autoscale (logical) Whether to automatically scale labels based on
#' their estimated width. Default is TRUE.
#' @param title (character) An optional title, default to \code{NULL}.
#' @param title_size (numeric) The size (or 'character expansion') of the title.
#' @param title_color (character) Color for title.
#' @param legend (logical) Set to TRUE if a color key should be drawn. Default is FALSE.
#' @param legend_position (character) The position of the legend, one of "left" (default),
#' "right", "top", or "bottom".
#' @param legend_size (numeric) The relative size of the legend (0 to 1), default is 0.1.
#' @param custom_range (numeric) A numeric vector of length 2 that can be used
#' to rescale the values in \code{custom_color} to the range of choice.
#' The default is \code{NULL} and it only has an effect if \code{custom_color}
#' was specified when generating the treemap.
#' @param width (numeric) The width (0 to 0.9) of the viewport that the treemap will occupy.
#' @param height (numeric) The height (0 to 0.9) of the viewport that the treemap will occupy.
#' @param layout (numeric) Vector of length 2 indicating the number of rows and columns
#' that the plotting area is supposed to be subdivided in. Useful only together with
#' \code{position}, which indicates the position of the specific treemap. Use \code{add = TRUE}
#' to omit starting a new page every time you call \code{drawTreemap()}.
#' @param position (numeric) Vector of length 2 indicating the position where the current
#' treemap should be drawn. Useful only together with \code{layout}, which indicates
#' the number of rows and columns the plotting area is subdivided into. Use \code{add = TRUE}
#' to omit starting a new page every time you call \code{drawTreemap()}.
#' @param add (logical) Defaults to \code{FALSE}, creating a new page when drawing
#' a treemap. When multiple treemaps should be plotted on the same page, this should be
#' set to TRUE, and position of treemaps specified by \code{layout} and \code{position} arguments.
#' @return The function does not return a value (except NULL). It creates a grid viewport and
#' draws the treemap.
#' @seealso \code{\link{voronoiTreemap}} for generating the treemap that is
#' the input for the drawing function
#' @examples
#' # load package
#' library(WeightedTreemaps)
#' # generate dummy data
#' df <- data.frame(
#' A = rep(c("abcd", "efgh"), each = 4),
#' B = letters[1:8],
#' size = c(37, 52, 58, 27, 49, 44, 34, 45)
#' )
#' # compute treemap
#' tm <- voronoiTreemap(
#' data = df,
#' levels = c("B"),
#' cell_size = "size",
#' shape = "circle",
#' positioning = "regular",
#' seed = 123
#' )
#' # plot treemap with each cell colored by name (default)
#' drawTreemap(tm, label_size = 1, color_type = "categorical")
#' # plot treemap with each cell colored by name, but larger cells
#' # lighter and smaller cells darker
#' drawTreemap(tm, label_size = 1, color_type = "both")
#' # plot treemap with different color palette and style
#' drawTreemap(tm, label_size = 1, label_color = grey(0.3),
#' border_color = grey(0.3), color_palette = heat.colors(6)
#' )
#' # ---------------------------------------------
#' # load example data
#' data(mtcars)
#' mtcars$car_name = gsub(" ", "\n", row.names(mtcars))
#' # generate sunburst treemap
#' tm <- sunburstTreemap(
#' data = mtcars,
#' levels = c("gear", "cyl"),
#' cell_size = "hp"
#' )
#' # draw treemap
#' drawTreemap(tm,
#' title = "A sunburst treemap",
#' legend = TRUE,
#' border_size = 2,
#' label_color = grey(0.6)
#' )
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom grid grid.newpage
#' @importFrom grid grid.text
#' @importFrom grid grid.polygon
#' @importFrom grid grid.draw
#' @importFrom grid grid.layout
#' @importFrom grid gpar
#' @importFrom grid unit
#' @importFrom grid viewport
#' @importFrom grid pushViewport
#' @importFrom grid popViewport
#' @importFrom colorspace rainbow_hcl
#' @importFrom scales rescale
#' @importFrom lattice draw.colorkey
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom grDevices grey
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @export drawTreemap
drawTreemap <- function(
levels = 1:length(treemap@call$levels),
color_type = "categorical",
color_level = NULL,
color_palette = NULL,
color_steps = 10,
border_level = levels,
border_size = 6,
border_color = grey(0.9),
label_level = max(levels),
label_size = 1,
label_color = grey(0.9),
label_autoscale = TRUE,
title = NULL,
title_size = 1,
title_color = grey(0.5),
legend = FALSE,
legend_position = "left",
legend_size = 0.1,
custom_range = NULL,
width = 0.9,
height = 0.9,
layout = c(1, 1),
position = c(1, 1),
add = FALSE)
# validate input data and parameters
width, height, layout, position, add,
levels, color_level, border_level,
label_level, color_palette,
border_color, label_color,
custom_range, title)
# determine color levels based on treemap type
if (is.null(color_level)) {
if (inherits(treemap, "sunburstResult")) {
color_level = levels
} else {
color_level = min(levels)
# new grid page is the default
if (!add) {
# generate main grid viewport
# optionally subdividing the plot area by layout argument
layout = grid::grid.layout(
nrow = layout[1],
ncol = layout[2]
# generate child viewport for drawing one treemap 'object'
# including title and legend
layout.pos.row = position[1],
layout.pos.col = position[2]
# generate viewport to draw treemap in, with some user-specified margins
# plus optional margins if legend or title is drawn
# key offsets are 8 values: treemap center x, y, width, height, legend center x, y,
# width and height
if (!legend) { legend_position <- "none" }
key_offsets <- switch(
left = c(0.5 + legend_size/2, 0.5, width - legend_size, height, legend_size/2, 0.5, legend_size, height),
right = c(0.5 - legend_size/2, 0.5, width - legend_size, height, 1 - legend_size/2, 0.5, legend_size, height),
top = c(0.5, 0.5 - legend_size/2, width, height - legend_size, 0.5, 1 - legend_size/2, width, legend_size),
bottom = c(0.5, 0.5 + legend_size/2, width, height - legend_size, 0.5, legend_size/2, width, legend_size),
none = c(0.5, 0.5, width, height, 0.5, 0.5, 0, 0)
if (!is.null(title)) {
title_offset <- 0.05
} else {
title_offset <- 0
x = key_offsets[1],
y = key_offsets[2] - title_offset/2,
width = key_offsets[3],
height = key_offsets[4] - title_offset,
xscale = c(0, 2000),
yscale = c(0, 2000)
# There are different possible cases to determine the cell color
# depending on the user's choice
treemap <- add_color(treemap, color_palette, color_type,
color_level, color_steps, custom_range)
# the treemap object is a nested list
# use apply function to draw the single polygons for desired level
lapply(treemap@cells, function(tm_slot) {
if (tm_slot$level %in% color_level) {
drawPoly(tm_slot$poly, tm_slot$name,
fill = tm_slot$color, lwd = NA, col = NA)
# in case of color_type == "both" draw also lowest level
if (color_type == "both" &
tm_slot$level == max(levels) &
!(tm_slot$level %in% color_level)
) {
drawPoly(tm_slot$poly, tm_slot$name,
fill = tm_slot$color, lwd = NA, col = NA)
}) %>% invisible
if (!is.null(border_color) & !is.null(border_size)) {
# draw only borders for the correct level
lapply(treemap@cells, function(tm_slot) {
if (tm_slot$level %in% border_level) {
# determine border size and color from supplied options;
# if single value is supplied for border size
if (length(border_size) == 1) {
# differentiate between voronoi treemap where we want decreasing
# lwd of borders with decreasing level, and sunburst treemap where
# we want the same size
if (inherits(treemap, "sunburstResult")) {
border_lwd <- border_size
} else {
border_lwd <- border_size / tm_slot$level
# or use different sizes for each level
} else {
border_lwd <- border_size[tm_slot$level]
if (length(border_color) > 1) {
border_col <- border_color[tm_slot$level]
} else {
border_col <- border_color
drawPoly(tm_slot$poly, tm_slot$name,
fill = NA, lwd = border_lwd, col = border_col)
}) %>% invisible
if (
!is.null(label_level) &
!is.null(label_size) &
) {
# two possible options: labels for voronoi treemaps
# and labels for sunburst treemaps
if (inherits(treemap, "sunburstResult")) {
if (length(label_level) > 1) {
stop("'label_level' should only have length 1 (labels for one level only)")
} else {
treemap@cells, label_level, label_size, label_color,
} else {
treemap@cells, label_level, label_size, label_color, label_autoscale
if (!is.null(title)) {
# pop viewport back to parent
# generate viewport for title
x = key_offsets[1],
y = 1 - title_offset/2,
width = key_offsets[3],
height = title_offset
y = 0.5,
gp = grid::gpar(cex = title_size, col = title_color)
if (legend) {
# pop viewport back to parent
# generate viewport for legend; viewport for legend is also scaled
# depending on title and height arguments
x = key_offsets[5],
y = key_offsets[6] - title_offset/2,
width = key_offsets[7],
height = key_offsets[8] - title_offset
# create legend as a list of options
pal <- treemap@call$palette
colorkey <- list(
space = legend_position,
col = pal,
at = 0:length(pal),
labels = c(names(pal), ""),
width = 0.8,
axis.line = list(alpha = 1, col = border_color, lwd = 1, lty = 1),
axis.text = list(alpha = 1, cex = 0.8, col = title_color, font = 1, lineheight = 1)
# draw using draw.colorkey from lattice::levelplot
lattice::draw.colorkey(key = colorkey)
# Finally pop the viewport back to the parent viewport
# in order to allow adding more plots
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