
Defines functions cropped_voronoi

Documented in cropped_voronoi

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#' cropped_voronoi
#' Tesselates a plane using a set of XY coordinates
#' @param sites (numeric matrix) The only input parameter for the function.
#'   A matrix with 3 columns: X and Y coordinates, as well as weights
#'   that are used for tesselation.
#' @return A list of cell coordinates; one cell for each
#'   set of input coordinates.
#' @details The function is only intended for
#'   internal use. However, one can also use it directly for
#'   test purposes.
#' @export cropped_voronoi
cropped_voronoi <- function(sites) {
    .Call(`_WeightedTreemaps_cropped_voronoi`, sites)
m-jahn/WeightedTreemaps documentation built on Dec. 15, 2024, 10:09 a.m.