
Defines functions lets.subsetPAM

Documented in lets.subsetPAM

#' Subset a PresenceAbsence object based on species names
#' @author Bruno Vilela
#' @description Subset a PresenceAbsence object based on species character vector 
#' provided by the user.
#' @param x A \code{\link{PresenceAbsence}} object.
#' @param names Character vector with species names to subset the \code{PresenceAbsence} object.
#' @param remove.cells Logical, if \code{TRUE} the final matrix will not contain cells in the 
#' grid with a value of zero (i.e. sites with no species present).
#' @return The result is an object of class PresenceAbsence subseted.
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot.PresenceAbsence}}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lets.presab.birds}} 
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' data(PAM)
#' # PAM before subset
#' plot(PAM, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude",
#'      main = "Phyllomedusa species richness")
#' # Subset PAM to the first 20 species
#' PAMsub <- lets.subsetPAM(PAM, PAM[[3]][1:20])
#' plot(PAMsub, xlab = "Longitude", ylab = "Latitude",
#'      main = "Phyllomedusa species richness")
#' }
#' @export

lets.subsetPAM <- function(x, names, remove.cells = TRUE) {

  if (!methods::is(x, "PresenceAbsence")) {
    stop("x is not a PresenceAbsence object")
  } else {
    x <- .check_pam(x)
  if (!inherits(names, "character")) {
    stop("names argument must be a character object")
  if (!inherits(remove.cells, "logical")) {
    stop("remove.cells argument must be a TRUE or FALSE")
  # Get species position name
  pos <- colnames(x[[1]]) %in% names  
  errorcont <- names %in% colnames(x[[1]]) 
  if (!any(errorcont)) {
    stop("None of the names provided match with PAM species")
  if (any(!errorcont)) {
    warning(paste("One or more names",
                  "provided, do not",
                  "match any of the",
                  "PAM species"))
  x[[1]] <- x[[1]][, c(1:2, which(pos)), drop = FALSE]
  if (remove.cells) {
    x[[1]] <- .removeCells(x[[1]])
  rich <- rowSums(x[[1]][, -(1:2), drop = FALSE])
  x[[2]] <- terra::rasterize(x[[1]][, c(1:2), drop = FALSE],
  x[[3]] <- colnames(x[[1]])[-c(1:2)]
macroecology/letsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2024, 9:25 p.m.