#' Outputs clean rh_corrected_nephelometer measures for analysis.
#' @param micropem_object the MicroPEM object
#' @param hepa_start Boolean indicating whether there were measurements with HEPA filters at the beginning.
#' @param hepa_end Boolean indicating whether there were measurements with HEPA filters at the end.
#' @return A MicroPEM object.
#' @examples
#' data(micropemChai)
#' cleanMP <- clean_measures(micropemChai)
#' cleanMP$summary()
#' @details
#' rh_corrected_nephelometer values are set to NA if they are negative or
#' if the RH at the same time is higher than 90\%.
#' rh_corrected_nephelometer values are also corrected for the HEPA zeroings (start and end, if there were done):
#' if a stable period longer than 3 minutes can be identified for the HEPA period,
#' using the changepoint \code{\link[changepoint]{cpt.mean}} function, there is a zero value.
#' There can be no zero values, only one (beginning or end) or two.
#' If there is only one zero value, it is substracted from all rh_corrected_nephelometer values.
#' If there are two, a linear interpolation is done between the two values and the resulting vector
#' is substracted from the rh_corrected_nephelometer values.
#' @export
clean_measures <- function(micropem_object,
hepa_start = FALSE,
hepa_end = FALSE) {
# use a clone!
micropem_object2 <- micropem_object$clone()
# If relative humidity is higher than 90%
# then the corresponding rh_corrected_nephelometer values should be ignored
to_be_erased <- which(!is.na(micropem_object2$
measures$rh) &
measures$rh >= 90)
micropem_object2$measures$rh_corrected_nephelometer[to_be_erased] <- NA
# If relative humidity is negative
# then the corresponding rh_corrected_nephelometer values should be ignored
to_be_erased <- which(!is.na(micropem_object2$
measures$rh) &
measures$rh < 0)
micropem_object2$measures$rh_corrected_nephelometer[to_be_erased] <- NA
# correct time series using HEPA measures
hepa_table <- find_zeros(micropem_object2$
# More than 3 minutes stable reading
if (hepa_table$duration[1] >= 180){
value1 <- hepa_table$value[1]
value1 <- 0
if (hepa_table$duration[2] >= 180){
value2 <- hepa_table$value[2]
value2 <- 0
# values to substract
if (value1 == 0 | value2 == 0){
correction <- rep(value1 + value2,
length = nrow(
correction <- seq(from = value1,
to = value2,
length = nrow(
# now correct the measures
micropem_object2$measures <- dplyr::mutate_(micropem_object2$measures,
rh_corrected_nephelometer =
~ (rh_corrected_nephelometer -
# keep trace of modifications
micropem_object2$original <- FALSE
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