Man pages for magnusdv/pedtools
Creating and Working with Pedigrees and Marker Data

addAlleleAdd allele ped to data.frame
as_kinship2_pedigreeConvert pedigree to kinship2 format
as.matrix.pedConvert 'ped' to matrix
as.pedConversions to ped objects
connectedComponentsConnected pedigree components
distributeMarkersDistribute markers evenly along a set of chromosomes
famidFamily identifier
founderInbreedingInbreeding coefficients of founders
freqDatabaseAllele frequency database
getAllelesAllele matrix manipulation
getComponentPedigree component
getGenotypesGenotype matrix
getMapTabulate marker positions
getSexGet or set the sex of pedigree members
inbreedingLoopsPedigree loops
internalplotInternal plot methods
is.markerTest if something is a marker
is.pedIs an object a 'ped' object?
locusAttributesGet or set locus attributes
markerMarker objects
marker_attachAttach markers to pedigrees
marker_getattrGet marker attributes
marker_inplaceSet marker attributes
marker_propMarker properties
marker_selectSelect or remove attached markers
marker_setattrSet marker attributes
maskPedMask and unmask pedigree datasets
mendelianCheckCheck for Mendelian errors
mergePedMerge two pedigrees
newMarkerInternal marker constructor
newPedInternal ped constructor
nMarkersThe number of markers attached to a pedigree
pedPedigree construction
ped_basicCreate simple pedigrees
ped_complexComplex pedigree structures
ped_internalInternal ordering of pedigree members
ped_modifyAdd/remove pedigree members
ped_subgroupsPedigree subgroups
pedtools-packagepedtools: Creating and Working with Pedigrees and Marker Data
ped_utilsPedigree utilities
plot.pedPlot pedigree
plotPedListPlot a collection of pedigrees.
print.nucleusS3 methods
print.pedPrinting pedigrees
randomPedRandom pedigree
readPedRead a pedigree from file
relabelGet or modify pedigree labels
setMutmodSet a mutation model
setSNPsAttach SNP loci to a pedigree
sortGenotypesSort the alleles in each genotype
transferMarkersTransfer marker data
validatePedPedigree errors
writePedWrite a pedigree to file
magnusdv/pedtools documentation built on April 25, 2024, 4:25 a.m.