as.matrix.ped: Convert 'ped' to matrix

View source: R/ped_convert.R

as.matrix.pedR Documentation

Convert ped to matrix


Converts a ped object to a numeric matrix using internal labels, with additional info necessary to recreate the original ped attached as attributes.


## S3 method for class 'ped'
as.matrix(x, include.attrs = TRUE, ...)

restorePed(x, attrs = NULL, validate = TRUE)



a ped object. In restorePed: A numerical matrix.


a logical indicating if marker annotations and other info should be attached as attributes. See Value.


not used.


a list containing labels and other ped info compatible with x, in the format produced by as.matrix. If NULL, the attributes of x itself are used.


a logical, forwarded to ped(). If FALSE, no checks for pedigree errors are performed.


restorePed is the reverse of as.matrix.ped.


For as.matrix: A numerical matrix with pedsize(x) rows. If include.attrs = TRUE the following attributes are added to the matrix, allowing x to be exactly reproduced by restorePed:

  • FAMID the family identifier (a string)

  • LABELS the ID labels (a character vector)

  • UNBROKEN_LOOPS a logical indicating whether x has unbroken loops

  • LOOP_BREAKERS a numerical matrix, or NULL

  • markerattr a list of length nMarkers(x), containing the attributes of each marker

For restorePed: A ped object.


Magnus Dehli Vigeland

See Also



x = relabel(nuclearPed(1), letters[1:3])

# To examplify the ped -> matrix -> ped trick, we show how to
# reverse the internal ordering of the pedigree.
m = as.matrix(x, include.attrs = TRUE)
m[] = m[3:1, ]

# Must reverse the labels also:
attrs = attributes(m)
attrs$LABELS = rev(attrs$LABELS)

# Restore ped:
y = restorePed(m, attrs = attrs)

# Of course a simpler way is use reorderPed():
z = reorderPed(x, 3:1)
stopifnot(identical(y, z))

magnusdv/pedtools documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 10:21 a.m.