Man pages for maize-genetics/rPHG
R front-end for the practical haplotype graph

brapiURLReturn URL path
brapiVersionReturn BrAPI version ID
buildHaplotypeGraphHelper function to build HaplotypeGraph object
calcMutualInfoCalculate mutual information for a given PHG data set
configFilePathReturn file path of configuration file
dbNameReturn name of DB
dbTypeReturn type of DB
gvcfMetricsGenerate metrics for GVCF data
HaplotypeGraph-classA HaplotypeGraph Class
HaplotypeGraph-validityHaplotypeGraph validation
hostReturn host data
httProtocolReturn protocol value
isDemoReturn demo state
javaMemoryAddressReturn 'rJava' reference object
javaRefObjReturn 'rJava' reference object
json2tibbleJSON to tibble converter
numberOfChromosomesReturn number of chromosomes
numberOfNodesReturn number of nodes
numberOfRefRangesReturn number of reference ranges
numberOfTaxaReturn number of taxa
numHaploPerRefRangeReturn number of haplotypes per reference range
PHGCon-classA PHGCon Class
phgConObjReturn a PHG connection object
PHGCon-validityPHGCon validation
PHGDataSet-classA PHGDataSet class
PHGLocalConHelper function to construct a 'PHGLocalCon' object
PHGLocalCon-classA PHGLocalCon Class
PHGLocalCon-validityPHGLocalCon validation
PHGMethodHelper function to construct PHGMethod object
PHGMethod-classA PHGMethod Class
phgMethodIdReturn method ID
phgMethodTypeReturn method ID type
PHGMethod-validityPHGMethod validation
PHGServerConPHGServerCon object constructor
PHGServerCon-classAn PHGServerCon Class
PHGServerCon-validityBrAPI connection validation
phgTypeReturn type of PHG connection
plotDotGenerate dot plot from Anchor files
plotGraphPlot a graph object
plotMutualInfoPlot mutual information
portReturn port value
readHaplotypeIdsReturn haplotype IDs
readPHGDataSetReturn a PHGDataSet
readRefRangesReturn reference ranges
readSamplesReturn samples IDs
serverInfoReturn server information
showShow method for PHGMethod objects
showPHGMethodsReturn available PHG methods
startLoggerStart PHG logging information
taxaByNodeReturn taxa info for haplotype IDs
maize-genetics/rPHG documentation built on April 4, 2024, 11:18 p.m.