resample_cifti_wrapper: 'resample_cifti' wrapper

View source: R/resample_cifti.R

resample_cifti_wrapperR Documentation

resample_cifti wrapper


Calls resample_cifti_components using the original file names listed in the original_fnames argument and the target file names listed in the resamp_fnames argument.


  resamp_fnames = NULL,
  resamp_method = c("barycentric", "adaptive"),
  areaL_original_fname = NULL,
  areaR_original_fname = NULL,
  surfL_original_fname = NULL,
  surfR_original_fname = NULL,
  surfL_target_fname = NULL,
  surfR_target_fname = NULL,
  read_dir = NULL,
  write_dir = NULL



The files to resample. This is a named list where each element's name is a file type label, and each element's value is a file name. Labels must be one of the following: "cortexL", "cortexR", "ROIcortexL", "ROIcortexR", "surfL", or "surfR". If read_dir is not NULL, then all these file names should be relative to read_dir.


Where to write the resampled files. This is a named list where each entry's name is a file type label, and each entry's value is a file name indicating where to write the corresponding resampled file. The recognized file type labels are: "cortexL", "cortexR", "ROIcortexL", "ROIcortexR", "validROIcortexL", and "validROIcortexR".

Entry values can be NULL, in which case a default file name will be used: see resample_cifti_default_fname. Default file names will also be used for files that need to be resampled/written but without a corresponding entry in resamp_fnames.

Entries in resamp_fnames will be ignored if they are not needed based on [ROI_]brainstructures. For example, if brainstructures="left", then resamp_fnames$cortexR will be ignored if specified.

The write_dir argument can be used to place each resampled file in the same directory.


The original resolution(s) of the CIFTI cortical surface(s).


Target resolution for resampling (number of cortical surface vertices per hemisphere).

surfL_target_fname, surfR_target_fname

(Optional) File path for the resampled GIFTI surface geometry file representing the left/right cortex. If NULL (default),


Directory to append to the path of every file being read, e.g. cortexL_original_fname. If NULL (default), do not append any directory to the path.

read_dir must already exist, or an error will be raised.


Where should the separate files be placed? NULL (default) will write them to the current working directory.

write_dir must already exist, or an error will occur.


Currently used by read_cifti and resample_cifti.


The return value of the resample_cifti_components call

mandymejia/ciftiTools documentation built on Sept. 25, 2024, 12:36 p.m.