Man pages for mandymejia/ciftiTools
Tools for Reading, Writing, Viewing and Manipulating CIFTI Files

add_surfAdd surface(s) to a '"xifti"'
all_integersAll integers?
apply_parcApply function over locations in each parcel
apply_xiftiApply a function along the rows or columns of a '"xifti"'
as.matrix.xiftiConvert a '"xifti"' to a matrix
as.metric_giftiFormat metric data as a '"gifti"'
assure_parcAssure this is a parcellation
as.surf_giftiFormat surface data as a '"gifti"'
as.xiftiAssemble a '"xifti"' from data
boundary_mask_surfBoundary region of a mask
check_cifti_typeCheck CIFTI type
cifti_component_suffixGet CIFTI component suffix default
ciftiToolsciftiTools: Tools for Reading and Visualizing CIFTI Brain...
ciftiTools.checkOptionValidate a 'ciftiTools' option and value
ciftiTools.files'ciftiTools' files
ciftiTools.getOptionGet a 'ciftiTools' option
ciftiTools.listOptionsList 'ciftiTools' options
ciftiTools_msgPrint suppressible message
ciftiTools.setOptionSet a 'ciftiTools' option
ciftiTools_warnPrint suppressible warning
combine_xiftiCombine '"xifti"'s with non-overlapping brain structures
confirm_wb_cmd_pathConfirm the Connectome Workbench command path
convert_xiftiConvert the intent of a CIFTI file or '"xifti"' object
coordlist_to_volConvert coordinate list to volume
crop_imageCrop image
crop_volCrop a 3D array
dim.xiftiDimensions of a '"xifti"'
dist_from_mask_surfDistance from mask on surface
dot-onAttachMessage on attach
edit_mask_surfEdit mask on surface
even_vert_sampEvenly sample vertices of mesh
expand_color_palInterpolates between entries in the input palette to make a...
expect_equal_xiftiExpect these '"xifti"'s to match
fix_gifti_mwallFix GIFTI medial wall
fix_xiftiFix a '"xifti"'
flatten_xiftiFlatten a '"xifti"'
format_pathFormat a path
get_cifti_extnGet CIFTI file extension
get_data_meta_from_cifti_xmlExtract data-related metadata from CIFTI
get_intn_meta_from_cifti_xmlExtract intent-specific metadata from CIFTI
get_kwargsGet kwargs
get_misc_meta_from_cifti_xmlExtract misc metadata from CIFTI
get_wb_cmd_pathGet the Connectome Workbench command path
header_ciftiGet NIFTI header (of a CIFTI)
infer_resolutionInfer resolution from '"xifti"' and surfaces
info_ciftiGet CIFTI metadata
is.3D_maskValidate a 3d binary mask
is.ciftiValidate a '"xifti"' object
is.fnameIs this an existing file path?
is.nummatValidate a numeric matrix
is.subcort_labsValidate a factor vector of subcortical labels
is.surfValidate a '"surf"' object (vertices + faces)
is.xiftiValidate a '"xifti"' object.
is.xifti_dataValidate the "data" component of a '"xifti"' object
is.xifti_metaValidate the '"meta"' component of a '"xifti"' object
load_parcLoad a parcellation included in 'ciftiTools'
load_sub_parcLoad subcortical parcellation
load_surfLoad a '"surf"' included in 'ciftiTools'
make_color_palMake a color palette.
make_cortexMake the cortical components of a '"xifti"'
make_subcortMake the subcortical components of a '"xifti"'
make_trans_matMake the subcortical transformation matrix
make_xiftiAssemble a '"xifti"' object
mask_Param_verticesmask: vertices
mask_surfMask surface
mask_with_boundary_surfApply Mask With Boundary To Mesh
match_exactlyDo these character vectors match exactly?
match_inputMatch user inputs to expected values
merge_kwargsMerges two kwargs
merge_xiftiConcatenate '"xifti"'s
move_from_mwallMove data locations from medial wall
move_to_mwallMove data locations to the medial wall
ncol_xiftiCounts the number of columns in a '"xifti"'.
newdata_xiftiReplace the data in a '"xifti"'
nrow_xiftiCounts the number of rows (vertices + voxels) in a '"xifti"'.
original_fnames_Param_remappedoriginal_fnames: for remapping
original_fnames_Param_resampledoriginal_fnames: for resampling
pad_volPad a 3D Array
parc_add_subcortexAdd subcortex to cortical parcellation
parc_bordersParcellation borders
parc_mean_matMake parcellation mean matrix
parc_vals_to_xiftiConvert parcellation values to '"xifti"'
plot.surfS3 method: plot surface
plot.xiftiS3 method: use 'view_xifti' to plot a '"xifti"' object
radial_order_surfOrder Vertices on Circular Manifold
read_ciftiRead a CIFTI file
read_cifti_convertRead a CIFTI file quickly
read_cifti_flatRead only the data matrix in a CIFTI file
read_cifti_separateRead a CIFTI file with optional resampling
read_dir_Param_separatedread_dir: separated files
read_surfGet a '"surf"' object
read_xifti2Read in GIFTI files as a '"xifti"' object
remap_ciftiRemap CIFTI data
remap_cifti_wrapper'remap_cifti' wrapper
remap_giftiRemap GIFTI metric or label data
remove_xiftiRemove a component from a '"xifti"'
resample_ciftiResample CIFTI data
resample_cifti_componentsResample a series of GIFTIs related to a CIFTI file
resample_cifti_default_fnameGet resampled file name default
resample_cifti_from_templateResample a CIFTI from a template
resample_cifti_wrapper'resample_cifti' wrapper
resample_giftiResample a GIFTI file (with its ROI)
resample_surfResample a '"surf"' object
resamp_res_Param_optionalresamp_res: optional
resamp_res_Param_requiredresamp_res: required
rgl_interactive_plots_DescriptionNavigating and Embedding the Interactive Plots
rgl_static_plots_DescriptionEmbedding the Static Plots
rotate_surfRotate a '"surf"' object
ROY_BIG_BL"ROY_BIG_BL" color palette
run_wb_cmdWrapper for Connectome Workbench Commands
S3_Math'"xifti"' S3 Math methods
S3_Ops'"xifti"' S3 Ops methods
S3_Summary'"xifti"' S3 Summary methods
scale_xiftiScale CIFTI
select_xiftiSelect columns of a '"xifti"'
separate_ciftiSeparate a CIFTI file
separate_cifti_filesSeparate CIFTI: file names
separate_cifti_wrapper'separate_cifti' wrapper
set_names_xiftiSet '"xifti"' column names
smooth_ciftiSmooth CIFTI data
smooth_giftiSmooth a metric GIFTI file
substructure_tableSubstructure table
summary.surfSummarize a '"surf"' object
summary.xiftiSummarize a '"xifti"' object
supported_intentsThe NIFTI intents supported by 'ciftiTools'
surface_plot_ParamsSurface plot
surf_areaSurface area calculation
sys_pathFormat a path for 'system'
template_xiftiMake a template '"xifti"' object
transform_xiftiApply a univariate transformation to a '"xifti"' or pair of...
unmask_cortexUnmask cortex
unmask_subcortexUndo the volumetric mask to the subcortex
unvec_volConvert vectorized data back to volume
use_color_palUse a color palette
verbose_Param_FALSEverbose: FALSE
verbose_Param_TRUEverbose: TRUE
vert_adjacencyVertex Adjacency Matrix
view_compView composite of images
view_surfView '"surf"' object(s)
view_xiftiView a '"xifti"' object
view_xifti.cbarMake the colorbar for 'view_xifti_surface'
view_xifti.clegDraw color legend for qualitative mode
view_xifti_surfaceView cortical surface data in a '"xifti"'
view_xifti_surface.colorGet the palettes and data color mapping for...
view_xifti_surface.draw_meshDraw brain hemisphere mesh in RGL
view_xifti_surface.draw_titleDraw title in RGL
view_xifti_surface.mesh_valGet the mesh(es) and data values for 'view_xifti_surface'
view_xifti_surface.surf_hemiSort out surface & hemisphere args for 'view_xifti_surface'
view_xifti.titleGet title for 'view_xifti_surface' or 'view_xifti_volume'
view_xifti_volumeView subcortical data in a '"xifti"'
vox_locationsGet spatial locations of each voxel
wb_path_requestRequest '"wb_path"'
welcome_msgWelcome message
write_ciftiWrite a CIFTI file from a '"xifti"' object
write_cifti_from_separateWrite a CIFTI file from NIFTI and GIFTI files
write_dir_Param_genericwrite_dir: generic
write_label_tableWrite label table to text file
write_metric_giftiWrite a data matrix to a GIFTI metric file
write_spheresGenerate GIFTI sphere surface files
write_subcort_niftiWrite subcortical data to NIFTI files
write_surf_giftiWrite a '"surf"' to a GIFTI surface file
write_xifti2Write a '"xifti"' object to GIFTI and NIFTI files
xml_ciftiGet XML of a CIFTI
x_Param_xiftix: xifti
mandymejia/ciftiTools documentation built on June 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.