
#      This function finds the total absorbed by each layer.  This assumes that                              #
fill.unresolved <<- function(ipaco,x,use){
   unlist( mapply( FUN      = function(x,use){
                                 #----- Use variable from . -------------------------------#
                                 xout = x
                                 no   = which(! use)
                                 yes  = which(  use)
                                 if (any(use) && any(! use)){
                                    prev.yes = mapply( FUN       = function(no,yes){
                                                                   }#end function
                                                     , no        = no
                                                     , MoreArgs = list(yes = yes)
                                                     )#end mapply
                                    xout[no] = ifelse(prev.yes > 0, x[prev.yes], 0)
                                 }else if ( all (! use)){
                                    xout = rep(0,times=length(x))
                                 }#end if
                              }#end function
                 , x        = split(x=x   ,f=ipaco)
                 , use      = split(x=use ,f=ipaco)
                 , SIMPLIFY = FALSE
                 )#end mapply
         )#end unlist
}#end fill.unresolved

#      This function finds the total absorbed by each layer.  This assumes that the data   #
# have been previously filled!                                                             #
layer.absorption <<- function(ipaco,down,up){
   #----- Apply the internal function to each patch. --------------------------------------#
   unlist( mapply( FUN      = function(down,up){
                                 #----- Find the absorption for 1 layer. ------------------#
                                 n   = length(down)
                                 ans = c(0,down[-n]-down[-1]+up[-1]-up[-n])
                              }#end function
                 , down     = split(x=down,f=ipaco)
                 , up       = split(x=up  ,f=ipaco)
                 , SIMPLIFY = FALSE
                 )#end mapply
         )#end unlist
}#end layer.absorption

#      This function picks the last value.  If scale.1st = TRUE, it returns the value      #
# relative to the first level.                                                             #
rel.last <<- function(x){
   if (length(x) == 0){
      ans = NA
   }else if (x[1] %==% 0){
      ans = NA
      ans = x[length(x)] /x[1]
   }#end if
}#end function rel.last

#      This function picks the last value.  If scale.1st = TRUE, it returns the value      #
# relative to the first level.                                                             #
scal.first <<- function(x,y=NULL){
   if (length(x) == 0){
      ans = x
   }else if(length(y) == 0){
      ans = x/x[1]
      ans = x/y[1]
   }#end if
}#end function scal.last

#      This function picks the last value.  If scale.1st = TRUE, it returns the value      #
# relative to the lowest level.                                                            #
scal.last <<- function(x,y=NULL){
   if (length(x) == 0){
      ans = x
   }else if(length(y) == 0){
      ans = x/x[length(x)]
      ans = x/y[length(y)]
   }#end if
}#end function scal.last
manfredo89/ED2io documentation built on May 21, 2019, 11:24 a.m.