predictNMI: Neuron Maturity Index (NMI) estimation

Description Usage Arguments Value


Taking gene expressions of neuron samples (in FPKM), this function predicts the Neuron Maturity Index (NMI) which is an estimate of degree of neuron maturation. The Index ranges between 0 and 1. The more it is close to one, the more mature the neuron sample is. The models were trained using the mature and immature neuron single cell RNA-seq data in Darmanis, et al. PNAS, 2015.


predictNMI(fpkm, standardize = TRUE, returnFpkmStd = FALSE)



A matrix of gene expression represented by FPKM. Each row represent one gene (named by EnsemblID) and each column represent one sample


To determine whether standardization should be applied to fpkm matrix first


To determine whether the standardlized FPKM of samples should be returned.


A list with at least two components. The first component (modularNMI) is a matrix of modular NMI, with 109 columns each of which shows NMI of one module. The second component (overallNMI) is a matrix of overall NMI, with three columns representing NMI-all, NMI-discriminable and Neuron Activity Index (NAI). The third element is a matrix of standardized FPKM if returnFpkmStd is TRUE.

maplesword/neuMatIdx documentation built on May 31, 2019, 1:16 p.m.