#' Factory to make Pythagorean indexes
#' @noRd
pythagorean_index <- function(r) {
types <- switch(r + 2,
c("Coggeshall", "Laspeyres", "Paasche", "Young"),
"Jevons", "Laspeyres", "Paasche",
"Tornqvist", "Vartia1", "MontgomeryVartia",
"Vartia2", "SatoVartia", "Walsh2",
"Young", "Theil", "Rao"
"Carli", "Dutot", "Laspeyres",
"Palgrave", "Drobisch", "Unnamed",
"Walsh1", "MarshallEdgeworth", "GearyKhamis",
"Lowe", "Young", "HybridCSWD"
gen_mean <- generalized_mean(r)
function(type) {
type <- match.arg(type, types)
weights <- index_weights(type)
Carli = ,
Dutot = ,
Jevons = ,
Coggeshall = function(p1, p0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(p0), na.rm)
Laspeyres = function(p1, p0, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q0)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(p0, q0), na.rm)
Paasche = ,
Palgrave = function(p1, p0, q1, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(p1, q1), na.rm)
Drobisch = ,
Unnamed = ,
Vartia2 = ,
SatoVartia = ,
Walsh2 = ,
Tornqvist = ,
Theil = ,
Rao = function(p1, p0, q1, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(p1, p0, q1, q0), na.rm)
Vartia1 = ,
MontgomeryVartia = function(p1, p0, q1, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
exp(sum(log(p1 / p0) * weights(p1, p0, q1, q0), na.rm = na.rm))
Walsh1 = ,
MarshallEdgeworth = ,
GearyKhamis = function(p1, p0, q1, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(p0, q1, q0), na.rm)
Lowe = function(p1, p0, qb, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, qb)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(p0, qb), na.rm)
Young = function(p1, p0, pb, qb, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, pb, qb)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(pb, qb), na.rm)
HybridCSWD = function(p1, p0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, weights(p1, p0), na.rm)
#' Index weights
#' Calculate weights for a variety of different price indexes.
#' The `index_weights()` function returns a function to calculate weights
#' for a variety of price indexes. Weights for the following types of indexes
#' can be calculated.
#' - Carli / Jevons / Coggeshall
#' - Dutot
#' - Laspeyres / Lloyd-Moulton
#' - Hybrid Laspeyres (for use in a harmonic mean)
#' - Paasche / Palgrave
#' - Hybrid Paasche (for use in an arithmetic mean)
#' - Törnqvist / Unnamed
#' - Drobisch
#' - Walsh-I (for an arithmetic Walsh index)
#' - Walsh-II (for a geometric Walsh index)
#' - Marshall-Edgeworth
#' - Geary-Khamis
#' - Montgomery-Vartia / Vartia-I
#' - Sato-Vartia / Vartia-II
#' - Theil
#' - Rao
#' - Lowe
#' - Young
#' - Hybrid-CSWD
#' The weights need not sum to 1, as this normalization isn't always
#' appropriate (i.e., for the Vartia-I weights).
#' @param type The name of the index. See details for the possible types of
#' indexes.
#' @returns
#' A function of current and base period prices/quantities that calculates
#' the relevant weights.
#' @note
#' Naming for the indexes and weights generally follows the CPI manual (2020),
#' Balk (2008), von der Lippe (2007), and Selvanathan and Rao (1994). In several
#' cases two or more names correspond to the same weights (e.g., Paasche and
#' Palgrave, or Sato-Vartia and Vartia-II). The calculations are given in the
#' examples.
#' @seealso
#' [update_weights()] for price-updating weights.
#' [quantity_index()] to remap the arguments in these functions for a
#' quantity index.
#' @references
#' Balk, B. M. (2008). *Price and Quantity Index Numbers*.
#' Cambridge University Press.
#' IMF, ILO, Eurostat, UNECE, OECD, and World Bank. (2020).
#' *Consumer Price Index Manual: Concepts and Methods*.
#' International Monetary Fund.
#' von der Lippe, P. (2007). *Index Theory and Price Statistics*. Peter Lang.
#' Selvanathan, E. A. and Rao, D. S. P. (1994).
#' *Index Numbers: A Stochastic Approach*. MacMillan.
#' @examples
#' p0 <- price6[[2]]
#' p1 <- price6[[3]]
#' q0 <- quantity6[[2]]
#' q1 <- quantity6[[3]]
#' pb <- price6[[1]]
#' qb <- quantity6[[1]]
#' #---- Making the weights for different indexes ----
#' # Explicit calculation for each of the different weights
#' # Carli/Jevons/Coggeshall
#' all.equal(index_weights("Carli")(p1), rep(1, length(p0)))
#' # Dutot
#' all.equal(index_weights("Dutot")(p0), p0)
#' # Laspeyres / Lloyd-Moulton
#' all.equal(index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0), p0 * q0)
#' # Hybrid Laspeyres
#' all.equal(index_weights("HybridLaspeyres")(p1, q0), p1 * q0)
#' # Paasche / Palgrave
#' all.equal(index_weights("Paasche")(p1, q1), p1 * q1)
#' # Hybrid Paasche
#' all.equal(index_weights("HybridPaasche")(p0, q1), p0 * q1)
#' # Tornqvist / Unnamed
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("Tornqvist")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
#' 0.5 * p0 * q0 / sum(p0 * q0) + 0.5 * p1 * q1 / sum(p1 * q1)
#' )
#' # Drobisch
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("Drobisch")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
#' 0.5 * p0 * q0 / sum(p0 * q0) + 0.5 * p0 * q1 / sum(p0 * q1)
#' )
#' # Walsh-I
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("Walsh1")(p0, q1, q0),
#' p0 * sqrt(q0 * q1)
#' )
#' # Marshall-Edgeworth
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("MarshallEdgeworth")(p0, q1, q0),
#' p0 * (q0 + q1)
#' )
#' # Geary-Khamis
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("GearyKhamis")(p0, q1, q0),
#' p0 / (1 / q0 + 1 / q1)
#' )
#' # Montgomery-Vartia / Vartia-I
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("MontgomeryVartia")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
#' logmean(p0 * q0, p1 * q1) / logmean(sum(p0 * q0), sum(p1 * q1))
#' )
#' # Sato-Vartia / Vartia-II
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("SatoVartia")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
#' logmean(p0 * q0 / sum(p0 * q0), p1 * q1 / sum(p1 * q1))
#' )
#' # Walsh-II
#' all.equal(
#' index_weights("Walsh2")(p1, p0, q1, q0),
#' sqrt(p0 * q0 * p1 * q1)
#' )
#' # Theil
#' all.equal(index_weights("Theil")(p1, p0, q1, q0), {
#' w0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
#' w1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
#' (w0 * w1 * (w0 + w1) / 2)^(1 / 3)
#' })
#' # Rao
#' all.equal(index_weights("Rao")(p1, p0, q1, q0), {
#' w0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
#' w1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
#' w0 * w1 / (w0 + w1)
#' })
#' # Lowe
#' all.equal(index_weights("Lowe")(p0, qb), p0 * qb)
#' # Young
#' all.equal(index_weights("Young")(pb, qb), pb * qb)
#' # Hybrid CSWD (to approximate a CSWD index)
#' all.equal(index_weights("HybridCSWD")(p1, p0), sqrt(p0 / p1))
#' @family price index functions
#' @export
index_weights <- function(
type = c(
"Carli", "Jevons", "Coggeshall", "Dutot",
"Laspeyres", "HybridLaspeyres", "LloydMoulton",
"Palgrave", "Paasche", "HybridPaasche",
"Drobisch", "Unnamed", "Tornqvist",
"Walsh1", "Walsh2", "MarshallEdgeworth",
"GearyKhamis", "Vartia1", "MontgomeryVartia",
"Vartia2", "SatoVartia", "Theil", "Rao",
"Lowe", "Young", "HybridCSWD"
)) {
Carli = ,
Jevons = ,
Coggeshall = function(p0) {
p0[] <- 1 # keep attributes
Dutot = function(p0) p0,
Young = function(pb, qb) {
check_pqs(pb, qb)
pb * qb
Lowe = function(p0, qb) {
check_pqs(p0, qb)
p0 * qb
LloydMoulton = ,
Laspeyres = function(p0, q0) {
check_pqs(p0, q0)
p0 * q0
HybridLaspeyres = function(p1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, q0)
p1 * q0
Palgrave = ,
Paasche = function(p1, q1) {
check_pqs(p1, q1)
p1 * q1
HybridPaasche = function(p0, q1) {
check_pqs(p0, q1)
p0 * q1
Drobisch = function(p1, p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
v0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
v01 <- scale_weights(p0 * q1)
(v0 + v01) / 2
Unnamed = ,
Tornqvist = function(p1, p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
v0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
v1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
(v0 + v1) / 2
Walsh1 = function(p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p0, q1, q0)
p0 * sqrt(q0 * q1)
Walsh2 = function(p1, p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
sqrt(p0 * q0 * p1 * q1)
MarshallEdgeworth = function(p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p0, q1, q0)
p0 * (q0 + q1)
GearyKhamis = function(p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p0, q1, q0)
p0 / (1 / q0 + 1 / q1)
Vartia1 = ,
MontgomeryVartia = function(p1, p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
v0 <- p0 * q0
v1 <- p1 * q1
logmean(v0, v1) / logmean(sum(v0, na.rm = TRUE), sum(v1, na.rm = TRUE))
Vartia2 = ,
SatoVartia = function(p1, p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
v0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
v1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
logmean(v0, v1)
Theil = function(p1, p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
w0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
w1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
((w0 + w1) / 2 * w0 * w1)^(1 / 3)
Rao = function(p1, p0, q1, q0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
w0 <- scale_weights(p0 * q0)
w1 <- scale_weights(p1 * q1)
w0 * w1 / (w0 + w1)
HybridCSWD = function(p1, p0) {
check_pqs(p1, p0)
sqrt(p0 / p1)
#' Price indexes
#' Calculate a variety of price indexes using information on prices and
#' quantities at two points in time.
#' The `arithmetic_index()`, `geometric_index()`, and
#' `harmonic_index()` functions return a function to calculate a given
#' type of arithmetic, geometric (logarithmic), and harmonic index. Together,
#' these functions produce functions to calculate the following indexes.
#' - **Arithmetic indexes**
#' - Carli
#' - Dutot
#' - Laspeyres
#' - Palgrave
#' - Unnamed index (arithmetic mean of Laspeyres and Palgrave)
#' - Drobisch (or Sidgwick, arithmetic mean of Laspeyres and Paasche)
#' - Walsh-I (arithmetic Walsh)
#' - Marshall-Edgeworth
#' - Geary-Khamis
#' - Lowe
#' - Young
#' - Hybrid-CSWD
#' - **Geometric indexes**
#' - Jevons
#' - Geometric Laspeyres (or Jöhr)
#' - Geometric Paasche
#' - Geometric Young
#' - Törnqvist (or Törnqvist-Theil)
#' - Montgomery-Vartia / Vartia-I
#' - Sato-Vartia / Vartia-II
#' - Walsh-II (geometric Walsh)
#' - Theil
#' - Rao
#' - **Harmonic indexes**
#' - Coggeshall (equally weighted harmonic index)
#' - Paasche
#' - Harmonic Laspeyres
#' - Harmonic Young
#' Along with the `lm_index()` function to calculate the Lloyd-Moulton
#' index, these are just convenient wrappers for
#' [generalized_mean()] and [index_weights()].
#' The Laspeyres, Paasche, Jevons, Lowe, and Young indexes are among the most
#' common price indexes, and so they get their own functions. The
#' `laspeyres_index()`, `lowe_index()`, and `young_index()`
#' functions correspond to setting the appropriate `type` in
#' `arithmetic_index()`; `paasche_index()` and `jevons_index()`
#' instead come from the `harmonic_index()` and `geometric_index()`
#' functions.
#' In addition to these indexes, there are also functions for calculating a
#' variety of indexes based on nested generalized means. The Fisher index is the
#' geometric mean of the arithmetic Laspeyres and Paasche indexes; the Harmonic
#' Laspeyres Paasche (or Harmonic Paasche Laspeyres) index is the harmonic
#' analog of the Fisher index (8054 on Fisher's list). The
#' Carruthers-Sellwood-Ward-Dalen and Carruthers-Sellwood-Ward-Dalen-Balk
#' indexes are sample analogs of the Fisher
#' index; the Balk-Walsh index is the sample analog of the Walsh index. The AG
#' mean index is the arithmetic or geometric mean of the geometric and
#' arithmetic Laspeyres indexes, weighted by the elasticity of substitution.
#' The `stuvel_index()` function returns a function to calculate a Stuvel
#' index of the given parameters. The Lehr index is an alternative to the
#' Geary-Khamis index, and is the implicit price index for Fisher's index 4153.
#' @inherit index_weights note
#' @aliases price_indexes
#' @name price_indexes
#' @inheritParams index_weights
#' @param elasticity The elasticity of substitution for the Lloyd-Moulton and
#' AG mean indexes.
#' @param a,b Parameters for the generalized Stuvel index.
#' @param p1 Current-period prices.
#' @param p0 Base-period prices.
#' @param q1 Current-period quantities.
#' @param q0 Base-period quantities.
#' @param pb Period-b prices for the Lowe/Young index.
#' @param qb Period-b quantities for the Lowe/Young index.
#' @param na.rm Should missing values be removed? By default missing values for
#' prices or quantities return a missing value.
#' @returns
#' `arithmetic_index()`, `geometric_index()`, `harmonic_index()`, and
#' `stuvel_index()` each return a function to compute the relevant price
#' indexes; `lm_index()`, `arithmetic_agmean_index()`, and
#' `geometric_agmean_index()` each return a function to calculate the
#' relevant index for a given elasticity of substitution. The others return a
#' numeric value giving the change in price between the base period and current
#' period.
#' @note
#' There are different ways to deal with missing values in a price index,
#' and care should be taken when relying on these functions to remove missing
#' values. Setting `na.rm = TRUE` removes price relatives with missing
#' information, either because of a missing price or a missing weight, while
#' using all available non-missing information to make the weights.
#' Certain properties of an index-number formula may not work as expected when
#' removing missing values if there is ambiguity about how to remove missing
#' values from the weights (as in, e.g., a Törnqvist or Sato-Vartia index). The
#' [balanced()] operator may be helpful, as it balances the removal of missing
#' values across prices and quantities prior to making the weights.
#' @seealso
#' [generalized_mean()] for the generalized mean that powers
#' most of these functions.
#' [contributions()] for calculating percent-change contributions.
#' [quantity_index()] to remap the arguments in these functions for a
#' quantity index.
#' [price6()] for an example of how to use these functions with more
#' than two time periods.
#' The \pkg{piar} package has more functionality working with price indexes for
#' multiple groups of products over many time periods.
#' @references
#' Balk, B. M. (2008). *Price and Quantity Index Numbers*.
#' Cambridge University Press.
#' Fisher, I. (1922). *The Making of Index Numbers*. Houghton Mifflin
#' Company.
#' IMF, ILO, Eurostat, UNECE, OECD, and World Bank. (2020).
#' *Consumer Price Index Manual: Concepts and Methods*.
#' International Monetary Fund.
#' von der Lippe, P. (2007). *Index Theory and Price Statistics*. Peter Lang.
#' von der Lippe, P. (2015). Generalized Statistical Means and New Price Index
#' Formulas, Notes on some unexplored index formulas, their interpretations and
#' generalizations. Munich Personal RePEc Archive paper no. 64952.
#' Selvanathan, E. A. and Rao, D. S. P. (1994).
#' *Index Numbers: A Stochastic Approach*. MacMillan.
#' @examples
#' p0 <- price6[[2]]
#' p1 <- price6[[3]]
#' q0 <- quantity6[[2]]
#' q1 <- quantity6[[3]]
#' pb <- price6[[1]]
#' qb <- quantity6[[1]]
#' #---- Calculating price indexes ----
#' # Most indexes can be calculated by combining the appropriate weights
#' # with the correct type of mean
#' geometric_index("Laspeyres")(p1, p0, q0)
#' geometric_mean(p1 / p0, index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' # Arithmetic Laspeyres index
#' laspeyres_index(p1, p0, q0)
#' arithmetic_mean(p1 / p0, index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' # Harmonic calculation for the arithmetic Laspeyres
#' harmonic_mean(p1 / p0, index_weights("HybridLaspeyres")(p1, q0))
#' # Same as transmuting the weights
#' all.equal(
#' scale_weights(index_weights("HybridLaspeyres")(p1, q0)),
#' transmute_weights(1, -1)(p1 / p0, index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' )
#' # This strategy can be used to make more exotic indexes, like the
#' # quadratic-mean index (von der Lippe, 2007, p. 61)
#' generalized_mean(2)(p1 / p0, index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' # Or the exponential mean index (p. 62)
#' log(arithmetic_mean(exp(p1 / p0), index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0)))
#' # Or the arithmetic hybrid index (von der Lippe, 2015, p. 5)
#' arithmetic_mean(p1 / p0, index_weights("HybridLaspeyres")(p1, q0))
#' contraharmonic_mean(p1 / p0, index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' # Unlike its arithmetic counterpart, the geometric Laspeyres can
#' # increase when base-period prices increase if some of these prices
#' # are small
#' gl <- geometric_index("Laspeyres")
#' p0_small <- replace(p0, 1, p0[1] / 5)
#' p0_dx <- replace(p0_small, 1, p0_small[1] + 0.01)
#' gl(p1, p0_small, q0) < gl(p1, p0_dx, q0)
#' #---- Price updating the weights in a price index ----
#' # Chain an index by price updating the weights
#' p2 <- price6[[4]]
#' laspeyres_index(p2, p0, q0)
#' I1 <- laspeyres_index(p1, p0, q0)
#' w_pu <- update_weights(p1 / p0, index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' I2 <- arithmetic_mean(p2 / p1, w_pu)
#' I1 * I2
#' # Works for other types of indexes, too
#' harmonic_index("Laspeyres")(p2, p0, q0)
#' I1 <- harmonic_index("Laspeyres")(p1, p0, q0)
#' w_pu <- factor_weights(-1)(p1 / p0, index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' I2 <- harmonic_mean(p2 / p1, w_pu)
#' I1 * I2
#' #---- Percent-change contributions ----
#' # Percent-change contributions for the Tornqvist index
#' w <- index_weights("Tornqvist")(p1, p0, q1, q0)
#' (con <- geometric_contributions(p1 / p0, w))
#' all.equal(sum(con), geometric_index("Tornqvist")(p1, p0, q1, q0) - 1)
#' #---- Missing values ----
#' # NAs get special treatment
#' p_na <- replace(p0, 6, NA)
#' # Drops the last price relative
#' laspeyres_index(p1, p_na, q0, na.rm = TRUE)
#' # Only drops the last period-0 price
#' sum(p1 * q0, na.rm = TRUE) / sum(p_na * q0, na.rm = TRUE)
#' #---- von Bortkiewicz decomposition ----
#' paasche_index(p1, p0, q1) / laspeyres_index(p1, p0, q0) - 1
#' wl <- scale_weights(index_weights("Laspeyres")(p0, q0))
#' pl <- laspeyres_index(p1, p0, q0)
#' ql <- quantity_index(laspeyres_index)(q1, q0, p0)
#' sum(wl * (p1 / p0 / pl - 1) * (q1 / q0 / ql - 1))
#' # Similar decomposition for geometric Laspeyres/Paasche
#' wp <- scale_weights(index_weights("Paasche")(p1, q1))
#' gl <- geometric_index("Laspeyres")(p1, p0, q0)
#' gp <- geometric_index("Paasche")(p1, p0, q1)
#' log(gp / gl)
#' sum(scale_weights(wl) * (wp / wl - 1) * log(p1 / p0 / gl))
#' #---- Consistency in aggregation ----
#' p0a <- p0[1:3]
#' p0b <- p0[4:6]
#' p1a <- p1[1:3]
#' p1b <- p1[4:6]
#' q0a <- q0[1:3]
#' q0b <- q0[4:6]
#' q1a <- q1[1:3]
#' q1b <- q1[4:6]
#' # Indexes based on the generalized mean with value share weights are
#' # consistent in aggregation
#' lm_index(0.75)(p1, p0, q0)
#' w <- index_weights("LloydMoulton")(p0, q0)
#' Ia <- generalized_mean(0.25)(p1a / p0a, w[1:3])
#' Ib <- generalized_mean(0.25)(p1b / p0b, w[4:6])
#' generalized_mean(0.25)(c(Ia, Ib), c(sum(w[1:3]), sum(w[4:6])))
#' # Agrees with group-wise indexes
#' all.equal(lm_index(0.75)(p1a, p0a, q0a), Ia)
#' all.equal(lm_index(0.75)(p1b, p0b, q0b), Ib)
#' # Care is needed with more complex weights, e.g., Drobisch, as this
#' # doesn't fit Balk's (2008) definition (p. 113) of a generalized-mean
#' # index (it's the arithmetic mean of a Laspeyres and Paasche index)
#' arithmetic_index("Drobisch")(p1, p0, q1, q0)
#' w <- index_weights("Drobisch")(p1, p0, q1, q0)
#' Ia <- arithmetic_mean(p1a / p0a, w[1:3])
#' Ib <- arithmetic_mean(p1b / p0b, w[4:6])
#' arithmetic_mean(c(Ia, Ib), c(sum(w[1:3]), sum(w[4:6])))
#' # Does not agree with group-wise indexes
#' all.equal(arithmetic_index("Drobisch")(p1a, p0a, q1a, q0a), Ia)
#' all.equal(arithmetic_index("Drobisch")(p1b, p0b, q1b, q0b), Ib)
#' @family price index functions
#' @export
arithmetic_index <- pythagorean_index(1)
#' Geometric indexes
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
geometric_index <- pythagorean_index(0)
#' Harmonic indexes
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
harmonic_index <- pythagorean_index(-1)
#' Laspeyres index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
laspeyres_index <- arithmetic_index("Laspeyres")
#' Paasche index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
paasche_index <- harmonic_index("Paasche")
#' Jevons index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
jevons_index <- geometric_index("Jevons")
#' Lowe index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
lowe_index <- arithmetic_index("Lowe")
#' Young index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
young_index <- arithmetic_index("Young")
#' Factory to make nested indexes
#' @noRd
nested_index <- function(r, s) {
nest_mean <- nested_mean(r, s)
function(p1, p0, q1, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
nest_mean(p1 / p0, p0 * q0, p1 * q1, na.rm)
#' Fisher index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
fisher_index <- nested_index(0, c(1, -1))
#' Harmonic Laspeyres-Paasche index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
hlp_index <- nested_index(-1, c(1, -1))
#' Lloyd-Moulton index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
lm_index <- function(elasticity) {
gen_mean <- generalized_mean(1 - elasticity)
function(p1, p0, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q0)
gen_mean(p1 / p0, p0 * q0, na.rm)
#' Caruthers Sellwood Ward Dalen index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
cswd_index <- function(p1, p0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0)
fisher_mean(p1 / p0, na.rm = na.rm)
#' Caruthers Sellwood Ward Dalen Balk index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
cswdb_index <- function(p1, p0, q1, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
sqrt(arithmetic_mean(p1 / p0, na.rm = na.rm) /
arithmetic_mean(q1 / q0, na.rm = na.rm) *
arithmetic_mean(p1 * q1 / (p0 * q0), na.rm = na.rm))
#' Balk Walsh index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
bw_index <- function(p1, p0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0)
rel <- sqrt(p1 / p0)
arithmetic_mean(rel, na.rm = na.rm) * harmonic_mean(rel, na.rm = na.rm)
#' Generalized Stuvel index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
stuvel_index <- function(a, b) {
a <- as.numeric(a)
b <- as.numeric(b)
if (not_finite_scalar(a)) {
stop("'a' must be a finite length 1 numeric")
if (not_finite_scalar(b)) {
stop("'b' must be a finite length 1 numeric")
function(p1, p0, q1, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
v0 <- p0 * q0
v1 <- p1 * q1
pl <- arithmetic_mean(p1 / p0, v0, na.rm)
ql <- arithmetic_mean(q1 / q0, v0, na.rm)
v <- sum(v1, na.rm = na.rm) / sum(v0, na.rm = na.rm)
(pl - b / a * ql) / 2 + sqrt((pl - b / a * ql)^2 / 4 + b / a * v)
#' Factory to make AG mean index
#' @noRd
agmean_index <- function(r) {
function(elasticity) {
nest_mean <- nested_mean(r, c(0, 1), c(elasticity, 1 - elasticity))
function(p1, p0, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q0)
v0 <- p0 * q0
nest_mean(p1 / p0, v0, v0, na.rm)
#' Arithmetic AG mean index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
arithmetic_agmean_index <- agmean_index(1)
#' Geometric AG mean index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
geometric_agmean_index <- agmean_index(0)
#' Lehr index
#' @rdname price_indexes
#' @export
lehr_index <- function(p1, p0, q1, q0, na.rm = FALSE) {
check_pqs(p1, p0, q1, q0)
v1 <- p1 * q1
v0 <- p0 * q0
v <- (v1 + v0) / (q1 + q0)
sum(v1, na.rm = na.rm) / sum(v0, na.rm = na.rm) *
sum(v * q0, na.rm = na.rm) / sum(v * q1, na.rm = na.rm)
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