Man pages for marchion/switchBox
Utilities to train and validate classifiers based on pair switching using the K-Top-Scoring-Pair (KTSP) algorithm

KTSP.ClassifyFunction to classify samples using a KTSP classifier.
KTSP.TrainFuntion for training the K-TSP classifier.
matTestingGene expression matrix for test set data
matTrainingGene expression matrix for training set data
SWAP.Calculate.BasicTSPScoresFunction to calculate basic TSP scores.
SWAP.CalculateScoresFunction to calculate the pair-wise scores with any given...
SWAP.CalculateSignedScoreFunction to calculate the pair-wise scores.
SWAP.Calculate.SignedTSPScoresFunction to calculate signed TSP scores.
SWAP.Filter.WilcoxonStatistical feature filtering based on Wilcoxon test on the...
SWAP.GetKTSP.PredictionStatsFunction for computing various performance measures related...
SWAP.GetKTSP.ResultFunction for prediction followed by computing various...
SWAP.GetKTSP.TrainTestResultsTrains a kTSP on given training data and provides performance...
SWAP.Kby.MeasurementK selection for a kTSP classifier.
SWAP.Kby.TtestK selection for a kTSP classifier.
SWAP.KTSP.ClassifyFunction to classify samples using a KTSP classifier.
SWAP.KTSP.CVPerforms k-fold cross validation.
SWAP.KTSP.LOOPerforms leave one out cross validation.
SWAP.KTSP.StatisticFunction computing TSP votes (comparisons) and combine their...
SWAP.KTSP.TrainDeprecated function for training the K-TSP classifier.
SWAP.MakeTSPTableMake a table of TSPs in order of TSP score.
SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairBoxplotPlots a feature pair as boxplots.
SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairClassesBoxplotPlots a feature pair as seperated by class as boxplots.
SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenePairScatterMake a scatter plot of two features.
SWAP.PlotKTSP.GenesPlot features seperated by phenotype
SWAP.PlotKTSP.TrainTestROCPlots an ROC curve for training and testing results.
SWAP.PlotKTSP.VotesPlots a heatmap of k-TSP votes.
SWAP.Train.1TSPFunction for training the 1-TSP classifier.
SWAP.Train.KTSPFunction for training the K-TSP classifier.
switchBox-packageA package to train and apply K-Top-Scoring-Pair (KTSP)...
testingGroupTesting set phenotypes
trainingGroupTraining set phenotypes
marchion/switchBox documentation built on May 9, 2019, 4:07 p.m.