#' Generate growth parameters for soVBGF
#' @description Generate growth parameters for a population for the seasonally oscillating
#' von Bertalanffy growth function with a given given mean and coefficient
#' of variation. Generated parameters can be passed to \code{\link[fishdynr]{growth_soVB}}.
#' The model creates variation in growth based on a mean phi prime value for the population,
#' which describes relationship between individual Linf and K values. See Vakily (1992)
#' for more details.
#' @param n number of individuals to general
#' @param K.mu mean growth constant K of population
#' @param K.cv coefficient of variation for growth constant K
#' @param Linf.mu mean infinite length of population
#' @param Linf.cv coefficient of variation for infinite length Linf
#' @param ts summer point (0-1)
#' @param C oscilation strength (0-1)
#' @param t0 age at lengthh zero
#' @return data.frame with seasonally oscillating von Bertalanffy growth function
#' parameters for each individual (rows).
#' @references
#' Vakily, J.M., 1992. Determination and comparison of bivalve growth,
#' with emphasis on Thailand and other tropical areas. WorldFish.
#' Munro, J.L., Pauly, D., 1983. A simple method for comparing the growth
#' of fishes and invertebrates. Fishbyte 1, 5-6.
#' Pauly, D., Munro, J., 1984. Once more on the comparison of growth
#' in fish and invertebrates. Fishbyte (Philippines).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1111)
#' inds <- growthparGen(n=500)
#' # check of growth performance index (phi')
#' plot(K ~ Linf, inds, log="xy")
#' coef(lm(log10(K) ~ log10(Linf), inds))[1] # phiprime
#' mean(inds$phiprime) # comparison
#' # generate growth curves
#' z <- inds$Linf
#' pal <- colorRampPalette(c("#0000FF80", "#00FFFF80", "#FFFF0080", "#FF000080"), alpha=TRUE )
#' col <- pal(100)
#' zlim <- range(z)
#' breaks <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out=(length(col)+1))
#' CUT <- cut(z, breaks=breaks, include.lowest = TRUE)
#' colorlevels <- col[match(CUT, levels(CUT))]
#' t <- seq(-0.1,6,len=100)
#' for(i in seq(nrow(inds))){
#' tmp <- as.list(inds[i,c("Linf", "K", "t0", "ts", "C")])
#' tmp$t <- t
#' tmp$Lt <- do.call(growth_soVB, tmp)
#' if(i == 1){
#' plot(Lt ~ t, data=tmp, t="n", ylab="Lt", ylim=c(0,max(zlim)))
#' usr <- par()$usr
#' rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="grey85")
#' grid(col="white")
#' }
#' lines(Lt ~ t, data=tmp, col=colorlevels[i])
#' }
growthparGen <- function(
n = 100,
K.mu = 0.5, K.cv = 0.05,
Linf.mu = 80, Linf.cv = 0.05,
ts = 0.25, C = 0.85,
t0 = -0.1
inds <- data.frame(
Linf = Linf.mu * rlnorm(n, 0, Linf.cv)
# mean phiprime
phiprime.mu = log10(K.mu) + 2*log10(Linf.mu)
# inds$K <- 10^(phiprime.mu - 2*log10(inds$Linf)) * rlnorm(n, 0, K.cv)
inds$K <- K.mu * rlnorm(n, 0, K.cv)
inds$phiprime <- log10(inds$K) + 2*log10(inds$Linf)
inds$t0 <- t0
inds$ts <- ts
inds$C <- C
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