dineof: DINEOF (Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions)

View source: R/dineof.R

dineofR Documentation

DINEOF (Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions)


This function is based on the DINEOF (Data Interpolating Empirical Orthogonal Functions) procedure described by Beckers and Rixon (2003). The procedure has been shown to accurately determine Emprirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) from gappy data sets (Taylor et al. 2013) that are used for data reconstruction. Rather than directly return the EOFs, the results of the dineof function is a fully interpolated matrix which can then be subjected to a final EOF decomposition with eof, prcomp, or other EOF/PCA function of preference.


dineof(Xo, n.max = NULL, ref.pos = NULL, delta.rms = 1e-05, method = "svds")



A gappy data field.


A maximum number of EOFs to iterate (leave equalling "NULL" if algorithm shold proceed until convergence)


A vector of non-gap reference positions by which errors will be assessed via root mean squared error ("RMS"). If ref.pos = NULL, then either 30 or 1 % of the non-gap values (which ever is larger) will be sampled at random.


The threshold for RMS convergence.


Method to use for matrix decomposition (svd, irlba, svds). Default is method="svds", which is more computationally efficient for large matrices. method="irlba" can also be used for partial decomposition, and is included for consistency with previous versions of the sinkr package.


Method "svds" is now the default as it provides better estimates of trailing EOFs than "irlba" and can be computationally faster during later iterations where multiple singular vectors are calculated.


Results of dineof are returned as a list containing the following components:

Xa The data field with interpolated values (via EOF reconstruction) included.
n.eof The number of EOFs used in the final solution.
RMS A vector of the RMS values from the iteration.
NEOF A vector of the number of EOFs used at each iteration.


Beckers, J-M, and M. Rixen. "EOF Calculations and Data Filling from Incomplete Oceanographic Datasets." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 20.12 (2003): 1839-1856.

Taylor, Marc H., Martin Losch, Manfred Wenzel, Jens Schroeter (2013). On the Sensitivity of Field Reconstruction and Prediction Using Empirical Orthogonal Functions Derived from Gappy Data. J. Climate, 26, 9194-9205.


# Make synthetic data field
m <- 50
n <- 100
frac.gaps <- 0.5 # the fraction of data with NaNs
N.S.ratio <- 0.1 # the Noise to Signal ratio for adding noise to data
x <- (seq(m)*2*pi)/m
t <- (seq(n)*2*pi)/n
Xt <- 
  outer(sin(x), sin(t)) + 
  outer(sin(2.1*x), sin(2.1*t)) + 
  outer(sin(3.1*x), sin(3.1*t)) +
  outer(tanh(x), cos(t)) + 
  outer(tanh(2*x), cos(2.1*t)) + 
  outer(tanh(4*x), cos(0.1*t)) + 
  outer(tanh(2.4*x), cos(1.1*t)) + 
  tanh(outer(x, t, FUN="+")) + 
  tanh(outer(x, 2*t, FUN="+")

# Color palette
pal <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "cyan", "yellow", "red"))

#  The "true" fieldd
Xt <- t(Xt)

# The "noisy" field
RAND <- matrix(runif(length(Xt), min=-1, max=1), nrow=nrow(Xt), ncol=ncol(Xt))
R <- RAND * N.S.ratio * Xt
Xp <- Xt + R

# The "observed" gappy field field
gaps <- sample(seq(length(Xp)), frac.gaps*length(Xp))
Xo <- replace(Xp, gaps, NaN)

# The dineof "interpolated" field
RES <- dineof(Xo, delta.rms = 1e-02) # lower 'delta.rms' for higher resolved interpolation
Xa <- RES$Xa

# Visualization all fields
ZLIM <- range(Xt, Xp, Xo, Xa, na.rm=TRUE)
op <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(3,3,3,1))
image(z=Xt, zlim=ZLIM, main="A) True", col=pal(100), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
mtext("t", side=1, line=0.5)
mtext("x", side=2, line=0.5)
image(z=Xp, zlim=ZLIM, main=paste("B) True + Noise (N/S = ", N.S.ratio, ")", sep=""), 
col=pal(100), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
mtext("t", side=1, line=0.5)
mtext("x", side=2, line=0.5)
image(z=Xo, zlim=ZLIM, main=paste("C) Observed (", frac.gaps*100, " % gaps)", sep=""), 
col=pal(100), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", xlab="", ylab="")
mtext("t", side=1, line=0.5)
mtext("x", side=2, line=0.5)
image(z=Xa, zlim=ZLIM, main="D) Reconstruction", col=pal(100), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", 
xlab="", ylab="")
mtext("t", side=1, line=0.5)
mtext("x", side=2, line=0.5)

### Example with iris dataset
iris2 <- as.matrix(iris[,1:4]) # only use numeric morphometric data
frac.gaps <- 0.3 # fraction NaN values

# make gappy dataset
gaps <- sample(seq(length(iris2)), frac.gaps*length(iris2))
iris2g <- replace(iris2, gaps, NaN)

# The dineof "interpolated" field
# irlba should produce warning due to large percentage of total singular values
# used in interpolation
RES <- dineof(iris2g, delta.rms = 1e-02) 

# using method="svd" is better
RES <- dineof(iris2g, delta.rms = 1e-02, method="svd",
 ref.pos = RES$ref.pos

# plot results
op <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(3,3,3,1))
plot(iris2, RES$Xa, 
     col=rep(rainbow(ncol(iris2)), each=nrow(iris2)),
     pch=as.numeric(iris$Species), main = "Imputation w/ DINEOF"
abline(0,1,col=8, lty=1)
legend("topleft", legend=colnames(iris2), col=rainbow(ncol(iris2)), lty=1, bty = "n")
legend("bottomright", legend=levels(iris$Species), pch=1:3, bty = "n")
sqrt(mean((iris2[gaps] - RES$Xa[gaps])^2, na.rm=TRUE)) # root mean square error

# Note: The use of dineof on small matrices may result in
# an overfitted interpolation if too many reference points are used.
# Use of eof(, recursive=TRUE) may provide better estimates - i.e. "RSEOF" method
# Example:

E <- eof(iris2g, recursive = TRUE)

# Determine number of significant EOFs
En <- eofNull(iris2g, recursive = TRUE, nperm = 99)

# reconstruction with significant EOFs
R <- eofRecon(E, pcs = seq(En$n.sig))
R[-gaps] <- iris2g[-gaps] # replace non-gap values

# plot interpolated values
plot(iris2, R, 
     col=rep(rainbow(ncol(iris2)), each=nrow(iris2)),
     pch=as.numeric(iris$Species), main = "Recon. w/ sig. EOFS only"
abline(0,1,col=8, lty=1)
legend("topleft", legend=colnames(iris2), col=rainbow(ncol(iris2)), lty=1, bty = "n")
legend("bottomright", legend=levels(iris$Species), pch=1:3, bty = "n")
sqrt(mean((iris2[gaps] - R[gaps])^2, na.rm=TRUE)) # root mean square error


marchtaylor/sinkr documentation built on July 4, 2022, 5:48 p.m.