eofPred: EOF prediction

View source: R/eofPred.R

eofPredR Documentation

EOF prediction


The eofPred function predics the principal component loadings of a new dataset with an eof object


eofPred(EOF, newdata = NULL, pcs = NULL)



An object resulting from the function eof


new data to project onto eofs


The principal components (PCs) to use in the reconstruction (defaults to the full set of PCs: pcs=seq(ncol(EOF$u)))


A matrix of principal component loadings (as in EOF$A)


### Non-gappy example
# Data
ptrain <- 0.5 # portion of data to use for training set
tmp <- sample(nrow(iris), nrow(iris)*ptrain)
train <- iris[tmp,1:4] # training set
valid <- iris[-tmp,1:4] # validation set

# EOF analysis
Efull <- eof(iris[,1:4], centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE) # EOF of full data
Etrain <- eof(train, centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE) # EOF of training data

# Null model
Efull.n.sig <- eofNull(iris[,1:4], centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, nperm = 99)$n.sig
Etrain.n.sig <- eofNull(train, centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, nperm = 99)$n.sig

# Predict PCs of validation set
pred <- eofPred(Etrain, newdata=valid)
# plot against full data-derived PCs
SIGN <- diag(sign(diag(cor(Efull$A[-tmp,], pred)))) # correction for differing sign
matplot(Efull$A[-tmp,] %*% SIGN, pred)
abline(0,1, col=8)
legend("topleft", legend=paste("PC", seq(ncol(pred))), 
       col=seq(ncol(pred)), lty=0, pch=1)

# Predict PCs of full set
pred <- eofPred(Efull, newdata=iris[,1:4])
# plot against full data-derived PCs (should be equal)
SIGN <- diag(sign(diag(cor(Efull$A, pred)))) # correction for differing sign
matplot(Efull$A %*% SIGN, pred)
abline(0,1, col=8)
legend("topleft", legend=paste("PC", seq(ncol(pred))), 
       col=seq(ncol(pred)), lty=0, pch=1)

### gappy example
# Data
set.seed(1) # 
ptrain <- 0.5 # portion of data to use for training set
pgap <- 0.2 # portion of data that are gaps (e.g. NaNs)
irisg <- as.matrix(iris[,1:4])
irisg[sample(length(irisg), length(irisg)*pgap)] <- NaN
tmp <- sample(nrow(irisg), nrow(irisg)*ptrain)
traing <- irisg[tmp,] # training set
validg <- irisg[-tmp,] # validation set

# EOF analysis
Efullg <- eof(irisg, centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) # EOF of full data
Etraing <- eof(traing, centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, recursive=TRUE) # EOF of training data

# EOF Null model
EfullgNull <- eofNull(irisg, centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, nperm=99)
EtraingNull <- eofNull(traing, centered=TRUE, scaled=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, nperm=99)

# Predict PCs of validation set
pred <- eofPred(Etrain, newdata=validg)
# plot against full data-derived PCs
SIGN <- diag(sign(diag(cor(Efullg$A[-tmp,], pred)))) # correction for differing sign
matplot(Efullg$A[-tmp,] %*% SIGN, pred)
abline(0,1, col=8)
legend("topleft", legend=paste("PC", seq(ncol(pred))), 
       col=seq(ncol(pred)), lty=0, pch=1)

# Reconstruction and measurement of error against non-gappy data
usePCs <- seq(1) # Efull.n.sig = 1
Rg <- eofRecon(Etrain, pcs=seq(usePCs), newpcs=pred)
plot( c(as.matrix(iris[-tmp,1:4])), c(Rg) )
abline(0,1, col=8)
rmse <- sqrt( mean( ( c(as.matrix(iris[-tmp,1:4])) - c(Rg)   )^2, na.rm=TRUE) )

marchtaylor/sinkr documentation built on July 4, 2022, 5:48 p.m.