
#' @title Receive reduction factor based on hydrological conditon and position of SG
#' @description A dynamic correction ratio is created, based on mean soil moisture contents next to the observatory building and the chosen conditons
#' of a dominant hydrological scenario as well as the position of the SG within its building.
#' @param setScenario Character vector, defining the dominant hydrological condition found at or around the observatory building.
#' For possible options please read the instructions.
#' @param setSGlocation Character string, describing the position of the SG within its building.
#' For possible options please read the instructions.
#' @param setVertLimit Numeric value of the vertical extent to be considered for the reduction. Values are in meters and have to be positive.
#' @param MeanSoilMoisture Data.frame, time series of the mean soil moisture content in the complete space outside of the observatory building.
#' It needs 2 columns: one for time information (datetime) and one with the soil moisture data (value).
#' @return Returns a time series of numerical values, which represents the dynamic correction factors based on a dominant hydrological condition
#' and the in-house position of the SG.
#' This can later be used to adjust the modeled gravity response from outside of the building.
#' @details missing
#' @references Marvin Reich (2017), mreich@@posteo.de
#' @examples missing
#' @export

reduction_hydScen_SGloc = function(
            # setScenario = Hydro_condition
            # setSGlocation = SG_position
            # setVertLimit = VerticalExt_reduction
            # MeanSoilMoisture = SoilMoisture_mean_ts
    # load reduction parameters
    # old file: for complete 5 m vertical model extent
    # load(file="reduction_parameters_HydScen_SGloc.rData")
    # new file: dynamic selection of vertical reduction depth possible
    load(file=paste0(dir_reductionRatios, "reduction_parameters_HydScen_SGloc_limitedDepth.rData"))
    # filter parameterset for chosen settings
    redParam_hydScen_SGloc = dplyr::filter(reduction_parameters,
                                                  Scenario == setScenario,
                                                  SGlocation == setSGlocation,
                                                  verticalLimit == setVertLimit)
    factor_ts = MeanSoilMoisture %>%
                dplyr::mutate(fac1 = redParam_hydScen_SGloc$Intercept + redParam_hydScen_SGloc$Slope * value) %>%

marcianito/UmbrellaEffect documentation built on July 1, 2019, 8:30 p.m.