
Defines functions get_ss_dates_all get_ss_dates get_ss_info get_ss_grds get_url_ply bbox_ply

Documented in bbox_ply get_ss_dates get_ss_dates_all get_ss_grds get_ss_info get_url_ply

#' Create polygon from bounding box
#' Utility function to create polygon from bounding box
#' @param lon_min longitude, minimum
#' @param lat_min latitude, minimum
#' @param lon_max longitude, maximum
#' @param lat_max latitude, maximum
#' @return Returns a spatial feature \link[sf]{sf} polygon.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sfc
#' @importFrom sf st_bbox
#' @importFrom raster extent
#' @export
#' @concept read
#' @examples
#' # Florida Keys area
#' lon = -81.3; lat = 24.5; w = 10
#' bbox_ply(lon - w, lat - w, lon + w, lat + w)
bbox_ply <- function(lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max){
  raster::extent(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max) %>%
    sf::st_bbox() %>%

#' Get polygon from link or NOAA Sanctuary code
#' Given a sanctuary code or link (ie URL), download the zip, unzip it, and read
#' first shapefile as a spatial feature. This function was originally designed
#' to pull from one of the zip links found at
#' \href{https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/library/imast_gis.html}{NOAA Sanctuaries
#' GIS}.
#' @param sanctuary NOAA Sanctuary code with which to form `url`. Sanctuary
#'   codes can be found at
#'   \href{https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/library/imast_gis.html}{NOAA Sanctuaries
#'   GIS}.
#' @param url Link from which to fetch a polygon. Originally designed to pull
#'   from one of the zip links found at
#'   \href{https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/library/imast_gis.html}{NOAA Sanctuaries
#'   GIS}.
#' @param dir_ply Directory to download locally into. This directory serves as
#'   a cache to skip operations if already performed. If zip file exists, skip
#'   downloading. If directory to unzip exists, skip unzipping.
#' @param verbose Verbose messages describing operations and choices, such as
#'   skipping download or unzip and which shapefile used if more than one found.
#' @return Returns a spatial feature \link[sf]{sf} polygon data frame.
#' @import fs
#' @importFrom R.utils isUrl
#' @importFrom here here
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom sf read_sf st_union st_transform
#' @export
#' @concept read
#' @examples
#' # mbnms: Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
#' ply_mbnms <- get_url_ply(sanctuary = "mbnms")
#' ply_mbnms
#' plot(ply_mbnms[1])
#' # fknms: Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
#' ply_fknms <- get_url_ply(sanctuary = "fknms")
#' ply_fknms
#' plot(ply_fknms[1])
get_url_ply <- function(
  sanctuary = NULL,
  url       = NULL,
  dir_ply   = here::here("data_ss/ply"),
  verbose   = F){
  # url = "https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/library/imast/mbnms_py2.zip"
  # dir_ply = here::here("data_seascapeR")

  # TODO: handle error with Papahānaumokuākea
  #   ply = get_url_ply("pmnm); ss_info <- get_ss_info();
  #   get_ss_grds(ss_info, ply, date_beg = "2019-01-01", date_end = "2020-01-01")
  #     ERROR: One or both longitude values (-180, 180) outside data range (-179.975, 179.975)

  if (is.null(sanctuary) & is.null(url))
    stop("Please provide a url or sanctuary argument")

  if (!is.null(sanctuary))
    url <- case_when(
      sanctuary == "mbpr" ~
      sanctuary == "pmnm" ~
      T ~

    stop(glue("The url '{url}' does not appear to be a URL."))


  f <- path(dir_ply, basename(url))
  if (file.exists(f)){
    if (verbose)
      Found file: {f}
        Skipping download: {url}"))
  } else {
    if (verbose)
        from: {url}
        to:   {f}"))
    download.file(url, f)

  if (path_ext(f) == "zip"){
    dir_unzip <- fs::path(dir_ply, fs::path_ext_remove(basename(f)))
    if (dir_exists(dir_unzip)){
      if (verbose)
        Found dir: {dir_unzip}
          Skipping unzip of file: {f}"))
    } else {
      if (verbose)
          from: {f}
          to:   {dir_unzip}"))
      unzip(f, exdir = dir_unzip)
    dir_shp <- dir_unzip
  } else {
    dir_shp <- dirname(f)

  shps <- list.files(dir_shp, ".*\\.shp$", recursive = T, full.names = T)
  if (length(shps) == 0)
    stop(glue("No shapefiles (*.shp) found in {dir_shp}"))
  if (length(shps) > 1)
    More than one shapefile (*.shp) found in {dir_shp}
      Reading only last: {basename(shps[length(shps)])}")) # Want last of: c(PMNM_py_Albers.shp, PMNM_py.shp)

  if (verbose)
    Reading spatial features from
      shapefile: {shps[length(shps)]}"))

  ply <- sf::read_sf(shps[length(shps)]) %>%
    sf::st_transform(crs = 4326) %>%

#' Get Seascape grids within polygon for date range
#' Given a polygon and date range, fetch Seascape data and return a raster layer
#' for a single date or raster stack if multiple dates found for given date
#' range.
#' @param ss_info SeaScape ERDDAP info object, as returned by
#'   \code{\link{get_ss_info}})
#' @param ss_var SeaScape variable. One of "CLASS" (default) or "P" for
#'   probability.
#' @param ply polygon as spatial feature \code{\link[sf]{sf}}, as returned by
#'   \code{\link{get_url_ply}} or \code{\link{bbox_to_ply}}
#' @param date_beg date begin to fetch, as character (`"2003-01-15"`) or Date
#'   (`Date("2003-01-15")`). Defaults to first date available from `ss_info`.
#' @param date_end date end to fetch, as character (`"2020-11-15"`) or Date
#'   (`Date("2020-11-15")`). Defaults to latest date available from `ss_info`.
#' @param dir_tif directory to cache results. Files are stored in the format
#'   `grd_{ss_var}_{date}.tif` so any other information needed, such as place or
#'   SeaScape dataset should be captured by the containing folders so as to not
#'   inadvertently write or read the wrong grid. This folder is consulted for
#'   available dates before fetching any missing from the ERDDAP server.
#' @param del_cache Delete ERDDAP cache with
#'   \code{\link[rerddap]{cache_delete_all}}, which may be necessary if
#'   underlying data changed. Default: FALSE.
#' @param verbose display messages on status of function. Useful for debugging
#'   or showing status while getting data from a wide range and/or big polygon.
#'   Default: FALSE.
#' @return Raster \code{\link[raster]{raster}} layer if one date,
#'   \code{\link[raster]{stack}} if more
#' @import lubridate purrr sf tidyr
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom raster raster
#' @importFrom raster crs
#' @importFrom raster mask
#' @importFrom raster plot
#' @importFrom sp coordinates
#' @importFrom sp gridded
#' @export
#' @concept read
#' @examples
#' ply  <- get_url_ply("mbnms")
#' ss_i <- get_ss_info()
#' grds <- get_ss_grds(ss_i, ply, date_beg = "2020-01-01")
#' grds
get_ss_grds <- function(
  ss_var    = "CLASS",
  date_beg  = min(get_ss_dates(ss_info)),
  date_end  = max(get_ss_dates(ss_info)),
  dir_tif   = NULL,
  del_cache = F,
  verbose   = F){

  select = dplyr::select

  if (del_cache)
    rerddap::cache_delete_all(force = T)

  s_dates <- get_ss_dates(ss_info)

  date_beg <- as.Date(date_beg)
  date_end <- as.Date(date_end)

  if (!lubridate::int_overlaps(
    lubridate::interval(  date_beg, date_end  ),
    lubridate::interval(s_dates[1], s_dates[2]))){
    stop(glue("Date range requested ({date_beg} to {date_end}) does not overlap with Seascapes ({s_dates[1]} to {s_dates[2]})."))

  if (date_end > s_dates[2]){
    warning(glue("The date_end {date_end} > Seascapes end ({s_dates[2]}) so decreasing to {s_dates[2]}."))
    date_end <- s_dates[2]

  if (date_beg < s_dates[1]){
    warning(glue("The date_beg {date_beg} < Seascape begin ({s_dates[1]}) so increasing to {s_dates[1]}."))
    date_beg <- s_dates[1]

  # dates on ERDDAP
  dates_all <- get_ss_dates_all(ss_info, date_beg, date_end)

  if (verbose)
    message(glue("Found {length(dates_all)} dates between {date_beg} and {date_end}."))

  # TODO: handle error with Papahānaumokuākea
  #   ply = get_url_ply("pmnm); ss_info <- get_ss_info();
  #   get_ss_grds(ss_info, ply, date_beg = "2019-01-01", date_end = "2020-01-01")
  #     ERROR: One or both longitude values (-180, 180) outside data range (-179.975, 179.975)

  # ss_info   = get_ss_info()
  # ply       = get_url_ply("mbnms")
  # ss_var    = "CLASS"
  # date_beg  = "2019-01-01"; date_end  = "2021-01-01"
  # dir_tif   = here("data_ss/mbnms_global_monthly_2020-01-01_to_2021-01-01")
  # write_tif = T

  if (!is.null(dir_tif)){

    tifs <- tibble(
      tif = list.files(
        path = dir_tif,
        recursive = F, full.names=T)) %>%
        date_chr = purrr::map_chr(tif, function(x){
          basename(x) %>%
            stringr::str_replace(glue('grd_{ss_var}_(.*)\\.tif$'), "\\1") %>%
            stringr::str_replace_all(stringr::fixed("."), "-")}),
        date = as.Date(date_chr))

    tifs_match <- tifs %>%
      filter(date %in% dates_all)

    if (verbose)
      message(glue("Found {nrow(tifs_match)} matching tifs of {length(dates_all)} dates."))

    if (nrow(tifs_match) > 0)
      tbl_tifs <- tifs_match %>%
          raster = purrr::map(
            tif, raster::raster))

    if (all(dates_all %in% tifs$date)){
      if (verbose)
          glue("Reading existing grids ([dir_tif]/grd_{ss_var}_[date].tif) vs fetching fresh data via ERDDAP."))

      if (nrow(tifs_match) == 1)
        grd <- tbl_tifs$raster[[1]]
      if (nrow(tifs_match) > 1)
        grd <- raster::stack(tbl_tifs$raster)

      names(grd) <- glue("{ss_var}_{tbl_tifs$date}")
    } else {
      dates_get <- setdiff(dates_all, tifs$date) %>% as.Date(origin="1970-01-01")
  } else {
    dates_get <- dates_all

  if (verbose)
    message(glue("Proceeding to fetch {length(dates_get)} from ERDDAP of {length(dates_all)} dates."))

  bb <- sf::st_bbox(ply)
  # TODO: check bb's crs==4326 and within range of dataset product

  get_ed_raster <- function(date){
    if (verbose)
      message(glue("  griddap({date}, ...)"))

    nc <- try(griddap(
      attr(ss_info, "datasetid"),
      fields    = ss_var,
      url       = ss_info$base_url,
      longitude = c(bb["xmin"], bb["xmax"]),
      latitude  = c(bb["ymin"], bb["ymax"]),
      time      = c(as.character(date), as.character(date)),
      fmt       = "nc"))

    if ("try-error" %in% nc){
        Problem fetching data from ERDDAP server using:
            x         = '{attr(ss_info, 'datasetid')}',
            fields    = '{ss_var}',
            url       = '{ss_info$base_url}',
            longitude = c({bb['xmin']}, {bb['xmax']}),
            latitude  = c({bb['ymin']}, {bb['ymax']}),
            time      = c('{date}', '{date}'))"))}

    x <- tibble(nc$data) %>%
        # round b/c of uneven intervals
        #   unique(tbl$lon) %>% sort() %>% diff() %>% unique() %>% as.character()
        #     0.0499954223632812 0.0500030517578125
        #   TODO: inform Maria/Joaquin about uneven intervals
        longitude  = round(longitude, 3),
        latitude  = round(latitude, 3),
        date = as.Date(time, "%Y-%m-%dT12:00:00Z")) %>%
    sp::coordinates(x) <- ~ longitude + latitude
    sp::gridded(x) <- T
    r <- raster::raster(x)
    raster::crs(r) <- 4326

  tbl <- tibble(
    date = dates_get) %>%
      raster = map(date, get_ed_raster))

  if (!is.null(dir_tif) && nrow(tifs_match) > 0){
    if (verbose)
      message(glue("Binding {nrow(tbl)} grids from ERDDAP with {nrow(tbl_tifs)} grids from dir_tif."))

    tbl <- tbl %>%
        tbl_tifs) %>%

  is_stack <- nrow(tbl) > 1

  if (verbose)
    message(glue("Reading, masking, naming and writing (if dir_tif) to grd."))

  if (!is_stack){
    if (verbose)
      message(glue("  from single raster"))

    grd <- tbl$raster[[1]]
    grd <- raster::mask(grd, sf::as_Spatial(ply))
    names(grd) <- glue("{ss_var}_{tbl$date[[1]]}")

    if (!is.null(dir_tif))
        grd, glue("{dir_tif}/grd_{names(grd)}.tif"), overwrite = T)

  } else {
    if (verbose)
      message(glue("  from raster stack"))

    grd <- raster::stack(tbl$raster)
    grd <- raster::mask(grd, sf::as_Spatial(ply))
    names(grd) <- glue("{ss_var}_{tbl$date}")

    if (!is.null(dir_tif))
        x         = terra::rast(grd),
        filename  = glue("{dir_tif}/grd_{names(grd)}.tif"),
        overwrite = T)

  # raster::plot(grd); plot(ply, add = T, col = scales::alpha("blue", 0.3))

#' Get Seascape dataset information
#' Get Seascape dataset information from ERDDAP server.
#' @param dataset `{region}_{frequency}` of dataset. Valid values (so far): "global_8day" or "global_monthly" (default).
#' @return ERDDAP \code{\link[rerddap]{info}} object
#' @import rerddap
#' @export
#' @concept read
#' @examples
#' get_ss_info() # default: dataset = "global_monthly"
#' get_ss_info("global_8day")
get_ss_info <- function(dataset = "global_monthly"){

  dataset_to_id <- list(
    global_8day    = "noaa_aoml_seascapes_8day",
    global_monthly = "noaa_aoml_4729_9ee6_ab54")

  info(dataset_to_id[[dataset]], url = "https://cwcgom.aoml.noaa.gov/erddap/")

#' Get date range of Seascape dataset
#' @param ss_info ERDDAP info object, as returned by \code{\link{get_ss_info}})
#' @return date range of min and max
#' @import dplyr stringr
#' @export
#' @concept read
#' @examples
#' ss_info <- get_ss_info()
#' get_ss_dates(ss_info)
get_ss_dates <- function(ss_info){

  ss_info$alldata$time %>%
    filter(attribute_name=="actual_range") %>%
    pull(value) %>%
    str_split(", ", simplify = T) %>%
    as.numeric() %>%
    as.POSIXct(origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "GMT") %>%

#' Get list of all dates available from Seascape dataset
#' Given a SeaScape dataset info object and date range, return a vector of all available dates.
#' @param ss_info ERDDAP info object on SeaScape dataset, as returned by \code{\link{get_ss_info}})
#' @param date_beg begin date
#' @param date_end end date
#' @return vector of dates available
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom readr read_csv
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr pull
#' @export
#' @concept read
#' @examples
#' ss_i <- ss_info()
#' get_ss_dates_all(ss_i, "2003-01-01", "2005-01-01")
get_ss_dates_all <- function(ss_info, date_beg, date_end){
  # dates = get_ss_dates(ss_info())
  # dates = c(as.Date("2003-01-01"), as.Date("2005-01-20"))

  ss_dataset = attr(ss_info, "datasetid")

  t_csv <- glue("{ss_info$base_url}/griddap/{ss_dataset}.csvp?time[({date_beg}T12:00:00Z):1:({date_end}T12:00:00Z)]")
  d_t <- try(read_csv(t_csv, col_types = cols()))
  if ("try-error" %in% class(d_t))
    stop(glue("Problem fetching dates from ERDDAP with: {t_csv}"))

  d_t %>%
    pull() %>%
marinebon/seascapeR documentation built on Nov. 13, 2024, 2:30 a.m.