
# compute_rank.mahalanobis: calculate the mahalanobis distance between ranks
# of vectors

context("compute_rank.mahalanobis function")

pseudoinv <- function(X) # dumbed-down `ginv` (from MASS package)
    tol <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
    if (length(dim(X)) > 2L || !is.numeric(X))
        stop("'X' must be a numeric matrix")
    if (!is.matrix(X))
        X <- as.matrix(X)
    Xsvd <- svd(X)
    Positive <- Xsvd$d > max(tol * Xsvd$d[1L], 0)
    if (all(Positive))
        Xsvd$v %*% (1/Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
    else if (!any(Positive)) stop("Nothing to psuedo-invert here, folks")
    else Xsvd$v[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% ((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) *
        t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))

# Rosenbaum's original rank mahalanobis distance code
# from Design of observational studies
# http://www-stat.wharton.upenn.edu/~rosenbap/Rdospublic.RData
# Downloaded 2013.06.25
# Subsequently touched up a tad, by @benthestatistician and
#   @josherrickson
compute_smahal <- function (z, X) {
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  rownames(X) <- 1:n
  k <- dim(X)[2]
  m <- sum(z)
  for (j in 1:k) X[, j] <- rank(X[, j])
  cv <- cov(X)
  vuntied <- var(1:n)
  rat <- sqrt(vuntied/diag(cv))
  cv <- diag(rat) %*% cv %*% diag(rat)
  out <- matrix(NA, m, n - m)
  Xc <- X[z == 0, , drop=FALSE]
  Xt <- X[z == 1, , drop=FALSE]
  rownames(out) <- rownames(X)[z == 1]
  colnames(out) <- rownames(X)[z == 0]
  icov <- pseudoinv(cv)
  for (i in 1:m) out[i, ] <- mahalanobis(Xc, Xt[i, ], icov,
                                         inverted = T)
  # Rosenbaum's original version produced squared distances;
  # JE 4/2022

test_that('compute_rank.mahal returns results similar to the Rosenbaum code', {

    nr <- 10L
    nc <- 5L

    z <- integer(nr)
    z[sample(1:nr, nr / 2L)] <- 1L
    numdists <- sum(z)*sum(!z)

    X <- matrix(runif(nr * nc), nr)
    row.names(X) <- 1L:nr

    reference_rankmahal <- compute_smahal(z, X)
    expect_that(optmatch:::compute_rank_mahalanobis(NULL, X, as.logical(z)),

    expect_equivalent(as.matrix(match_on(z ~ X, method = "rank")), reference_rankmahal)

    df <- data.frame(z = z, X)
    expect_equivalent(as.matrix(match_on(z ~ ., data = df, method = "rank")), reference_rankmahal)


test_that("rank mahal with factor variables, #220", {
  nuclearplants$group <- factor(sample(3:5, 32, TRUE))

  form1 <- pr ~ group
  # Generate a design matrix with no intercept and all dummies (no reference)
  X1 <- model.matrix(form1, data = nuclearplants,
                     contrasts.arg = lapply(Filter(is.factor, nuclearplants),
                                            function(x) {
                                              contrasts(x, contrasts = FALSE)/sqrt(2)
                                            })) [, -1]

  d1a <- compute_smahal(nuclearplants$pr, X1)
  d1b <- as.matrix(match_on(form1, data = nuclearplants,
                            method = "rank_mahalanobis"))
  expect_true(all.equal(d1a, d1b, check.attributes = FALSE))


test_that("Fix for #128 (`compute_rank_mahalanobis` ignores index argument) holds", {

    nr <- 10L
    nc <- 5L

    z <- integer(nr)
    z[sample(1:nr, nr / 2L)] <- 1L
    numdists <- sum(z)*sum(!z)

    X <- matrix(runif(nr * nc), nr)
    row.names(X) <- 1L:nr

    reference_rankmahal <- compute_smahal(z, X)

        indices <- expand.grid(rownames(reference_rankmahal), colnames(reference_rankmahal))
    indices <- as.matrix(indices)
    expect_equivalent(optmatch:::compute_rank_mahalanobis(indices, X, as.logical(z)),

    expect_equivalent(optmatch:::compute_rank_mahalanobis(indices[-1L, ], X, as.logical(z)),
    omitdists <- sample(1L:numdists, 2)
    expect_equivalent(optmatch:::compute_rank_mahalanobis(indices[-omitdists, ],
                                                          X, as.logical(z)),

markmfredrickson/optmatch documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 6:18 p.m.