determineOffset: Function to determine the normalising offset f that accounts...

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determineOffsetR Documentation

Function to determine the normalising offset f that accounts for the relative sequencing depth.


The composition of a library influences the resulting read densities. To adjust the modelled mean (in the Poisson model) for these composition effects, we estimate a normalising factor f that accounts simultaneously for overall sequencing depth and composition. The derivation of this offset is motivated by the M (log ratio) versus A (average-log-count) plot.


determineOffset(x, quantile = 0.998, controlPlot = list(show = FALSE, 
    nsamp = 50000, mfrow=c(1,1), xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, main=NULL, ask=FALSE))



BayMethList object.


quantile q to restrict values of A = log2(sampleInterest*control)/2


list defining whether a MA plot should be shown.


show logical. If 'TRUE' the corresponding MA plot is shown. (default FALSE)


nsamp number of genomic regions included in the plot. (These are sampled without replacement).


mfrow vector of the form "c(nr, nc)" to determine how several plots should be ordered.


xlim, ylim numeric vectors of length 2, giving the x and y coordinates ranges.


main If NULL the names of the sample of interest are used as title in the MA plot. Alternatively, a vector with length equal to the number of samples of interest can be provided.


ask logical. If 'TRUE' (and the R session is interactive) the user is asked for input, before a new figure is drawn. (default FALSE).


A BayMethList object given as input, where the slot fOffset is filled accordingly.


Andrea Riebler

See Also

maPlot, plotSmear


        windows <- genomeBlocks(Hsapiens, chrs="chr21", width=100, spacing=100)
        cpgdens <- cpgDensityCalc(windows, organism=Hsapiens, 
            w.function="linear", window=700)  
        co <- matrix(rnbinom(length(windows), mu=10, size=2), ncol=1)
        sI <- matrix(rnbinom(2*length(windows), mu=5, size=2), ncol=2)
        bm <- BayMethList(windows=windows, control=co, sampleInterest=sI,

        bm <- determineOffset(bm, controlPlot=list(show=TRUE, mfrow=c(1,2)))

markrobinsonuzh/Repitools documentation built on March 20, 2024, 6:04 a.m.