
Defines functions concentration_game

Documented in concentration_game

#' Simulation of the concentration game
#' @author Markus Huff
#' @param n Number of card pairs of the game
#' @param num_simulations Number of simulations of the game
#' @param capacity Working memory capacity
#' @param method Characteristic of the working memory ("random","fifo","lifo")
#' @export
concentration_game <-
  function(n = 16,
           num_simulations = 10,
           capacity = 4,
           method = "random")
    history <-
      data.frame(pair = numeric(0),
                 A_B = character(0),
                 id = numeric(0))
    history_null <- history
    trial <- 0 # Anzahl an Zuegen pro Durchgang
    # Vektor mit Anzahl an Zuegen
    num_turns <- numeric(0)
    for (i in 1:num_simulations)
      # Konstruiere Memory Spiel
      print(paste("Simulation:", i))
      set <- data.frame(pair = numeric(0), A_B = character(0))
      for (i in 1:n)
        tmp <- rbind(data.frame(pair = i, A_B = "A"),
                     data.frame(pair = i, A_B = "B"))
        set <- rbind(set, tmp)
      set$id <- paste0(set$pair, set$A_B)
      while (length(set$pair) > 3)
        # 2 gleiche Karten in der History?
        if (length(unique(history$pair)) != length(unique(history$pair)))
          history <- reduce_history(history, capacity, method)
          # Erster Zug
          set_before_turn_1 <- set
          turn_1 <- set[sample(nrow(set), 1, replace = FALSE), ]
          # Neues Set Karten
          set <- set[set$id != turn_1$id, ]
          if (length(history$id) == 0)
            # Zweiter Zug
            set <- comparison_turn_2(turn_1, turn_2, set, set_before_turn_1, history)[[1]]
            history <- comparison_turn_2(turn_1, turn_2, set, set_before_turn_1, history)[[2]]
            print_result(set, set_before_turn_1)
            history <- reduce_history(history, capacity, method)
            set <- comparison_history(turn_1, set, set_before_turn_1, history)[[1]]
            history <- comparison_history(turn_1, set, set_before_turn_1, history)[[2]]
            print_result(set, set_before_turn_1)
          trial <- trial + 1
      num_turns <- c(num_turns, trial)
      trial <- 0
      history <- history_null
    num_turns <- num_turns + 1
markushuff/ConcentrationGame documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:24 p.m.