Convert to rcData

unlike the wqp datasets, each rcData object is specific to a location and characteristic. Therefore, the result of converting a simplified wqp dataset to rcData will be a list of rcData objects.

rcDataList <- makeRcData(simpleConc = no3Simple, simpleFlow = qSimple)

nobs <- sapply(rcDataList, nrow)
nbdl <- sapply(rcDataList, function(df) sum(df$is.bdl))

rcDataList <- rcDataList[nobs >= 30 & nbdl == 0]

Now we can easily make rating curve models using these datasets.

no3Models <- lapply(rcDataList, loadest_cal)

sapply(no3Models, R2) %>% summary

markwh/rcmodel documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:26 p.m.