
Defines functions ExtractMessages

Documented in ExtractMessages

#' Extract message timestamps data from .asc files
#' This function reads in data from .asc files and returns the timestamps for when the message occured.
#' Currently supports up to 3 message at a time.
#' @author Martin R. Vasilev
#' @param data_list Input of data files to be processed. This can be specified in three ways:
#' 1) a directory that contains all the files (it will select all files ending with ".asc",
#' and order them by participant number, if present).
#' 2) Directory to a txt file that contains all the .asc data file names inside:
#' e.g., data_list= "C:/My Data/data_list.txt".
#' In the .txt file, the directory for each .asc data file should appear on a separate row,
#' e.g.: C:/My Data/subject1.asc /n
#' C:/My Data/subject2.asc
#' 3) A directory to a single .asc file: e.g., data_list= "C:/My Data/subject1.asc".
#' @param maxtrial Maximum number of trials in the experiment (default= 9999)
#' @param message_name Name of the message flag in the data which needs to be extracted. If only one message
#' needs to be extracted, provide it as a string (e.g., message_name= "DISPLAY CHANGE STARTED"). If there is more
#' than one message, provide it as a vector of string (e.g., message_name= c('DISPLAY CHANGE STARTED', 
#' @include utility.R

ExtractMessages<- function(data_list= NULL, maxtrial= 9999, message_name= "MSG"){
  # check if user provided data dir:
    data_list= file.choose() # make them chose a file
    message("To process multiple files, please specify a directory in 'data_list'")
  # check file input:
  if(grepl('.txt', data_list)){
    data<- readLines(data_list, warn=F) # process multiple files
    if(grepl('.asc', data_list)){ # if a single .asc file was provided...
      data<- data_list # process only 1 file
    } else{ # otherwise, it must be a dir of files
      data<- get_files(data_list)
  dat<- NULL
    stop('Currently only up to 3 messages at a time are supported')

  for (i in 1:length(data)){ # for each subject..
    cat(sprintf("\nProcessing subject %i", i)); cat("\n")
    cat(sprintf("Loading data %s ...", data[i]));
    filename= data[i] #strsplit(data[i], "\\")
    file<- readLines(data[i]) # load file
    cat(" Done"); cat("\n")
    trial_db<- trial_info(file, maxtrial= maxtrial, selectEXP = T) # extract info about trials to be processed
    cat("Trial... ")
    for(j in 1:nrow(trial_db)){ # for each item
      temp<- data.frame(sub= NA, item= NA, cond= NA, seq= NA)
        temp$MSG1<- NA
        temp$MSG1<- NA
        temp$MSG2<- NA
        temp$MSG1<- NA
        temp$MSG2<- NA
        temp$MSG3<- NA
      trialFile<- file[trial_db$ID[j]:trial_db$end[j]]
      # basic info:
      temp$sub<- i # subject
      temp$item<- trial_db$item[j] # item
      temp$cond<- trial_db$cond[j] # condition
      temp$seq<- trial_db$seq[j]
      #dependnum<- trial_db$depend[j]

     a1<- trialFile[which(grepl(message_name[1], trialFile))]
     a1<- substr(a1, 1, unlist(gregexpr(' ', a1))[1])
     a1<- get_num(a1) 
       temp$MSG1<- a1 
     if(length(message_name)==2 | length(message_name)==3){
       a2<- trialFile[which(grepl(message_name[2], trialFile))]
       a2<- substr(a2, 1, unlist(gregexpr(' ', a2))[1])
       a2<- get_num(a2) 
         temp$MSG2<- a2
       a3<- trialFile[which(grepl(message_name[3], trialFile))]
       a3<- substr(a3, 1, unlist(gregexpr(' ', a3))[1])
       a3<- get_num(a3) 
         temp$MSG3<- a3
     dat<- rbind(dat, temp)
     cat(toString(j)); cat(" ")
    } # end of j
  } # end of i
} # end of fun
martin-vasilev/readingET documentation built on Jan. 31, 2023, 3:38 p.m.