
Defines functions check.plot.MB.arg

# check.plot.MB.arg
# check if data and arguments are good to be plot for (MBPCAOS)
# @param choice the graph to plot possible values are "screeplot","quantif","indiv","cor","modalities","mixed","squared loadings". See Details.
# @param nature vector(length p) giving the nature of each variable. Possible values: "nom", "ord", "num"
# @param nature.supp nature of supplementary variables
# @param supp.var if the user asked to plot the supplementary variable or not
# @param comp axes to use in the plots
# @param nb.comp number of components in the PCAOS model
# @return stop function if argument are wrong
check.plot.MB.arg <- function(choice,level.scale,level.scale.supp,supp.var, comp, nb.comp){
  if (!(choice %in% c("screeplot","numeric","qualitative","quantif","ind","all.var","squared.loading","blocks"))){
    stop("Values of choice should be one of : screeplot, numeric, qualitative, quantif,ind, all.var, squared.loading ")
  if (choice == "qualitative"){
    if (!any(level.scale == "nom") & !any(level.scale == "ord")){
      stop("No variable defined as qualitative (i.e nominal or ordinal)")
    if(supp.var == TRUE & !any(level.scale.supp == "nom" | level.scale.supp == "ord")){
      stop("Supplementary variable is not qualitative")

  if (choice == "numeric"){
    if (!any(level.scale == "num")){
      stop("No variable defined as numeric")
    if(supp.var == TRUE & !any(level.scale.supp == "num")){
      stop("Supplementary variable is not numeric")

  if (choice == "mixed"){
    if ((!any(level.scale == "nom") | !(any(level.scale == "ord"))) & !any(level.scale == "num") ){
      stop("Variables are not mixed")

  if (any(comp > nb.comp) & choice != 'quantif' & choice != 'screeplot'){
    stop("Wrong axes to plot")

martinparies/PCAOS documentation built on March 15, 2023, 7:19 a.m.