

specs <- specr::setup(data = example_data,
      x = c("x1", "x2"),
      y = c("y1"),
      model = "lm",
      controls = c("c1"))

# test 1: check that the function returns an object of class 'specr.object'
test_that("function returns an object of class 'specr.object'", {
  expect_true(class(specr(specs, workers = 1)) == "specr.object")

# test 2: check that the function returns an error when no data is provided
test_that("function returns an error when no data is provided", {
  expect_error(specr(as_tibble(specs), data = NULL),
               "You provided a tibble or data.frame with all the specifications. In that case, you also need to provide the data set that should be used for the analyses.")

# test 3: check that the function returns an error when an incorrect object is provided
test_that("function returns an error when an incorrect object is provided", {

# test 4: check that the function returns an object of class 'tibble' when no specr.setup is provided
test_that("function returns an object of class 'tibble' when no specr.setup is provided", {
                             data = example_data,
                             workers = 1),

# test 4
test_that("Specs and results have the same number of rows", {
  results <- specr(specs)
  expect_equal(nrow(specs), nrow(results))

# test 5
test_that("Results include confidence intervals", {
  results <- specr(specs)
  expect_true(any(c("conf.low", "conf.high") %in% names(results$data)))
masurp/specr documentation built on March 17, 2024, 5:23 p.m.