Defines functions newsim schedevnt getfreerow getnextevnt mainloop cancelevnt newqueue appendfcfs delfcfs exparrivals

Documented in appendfcfs cancelevnt delfcfs exparrivals getnextevnt mainloop newqueue newsim schedevnt

# DES.R:  R routines for discrete-event simulation (DES), event-oriented
# method

# March 2017 major changes (updated September 2017)

# 1.  No longer keep the event set in sorted order.  Too costly to do
# insertion, and anyway earliest event can be determined via which.min(),
# a C-level function that should be much faster.  (There is also a
# provision for an "arrivals event set," for arrivals only, taking
# advantage of the ordered nature of pre-generated arrivals.)

# 2.  Similarly, there is no dynamic resizing of the event set.  Space is
# marked as either free or in use.  This requires the user to provide an
# upper bound for the maximum number of events, a restriction, but should
# result in quite a performance boost.

# 3.  In old version, used matrix instead of data frame, as latter was
# quite slow, and now back to matrix.  Probably should go back to data
# frame, maybe data.table, but for now, at least add meaningful column
# names and use them.

# all data is stored in an R environment variable that will be referrred
# to as simlist below; an environment variable is used so that functions
# can change their simlist components, rather than reassigning

# the simlist will consist of the following components:
#       currtime:  current simulated time
#       timelim:  max simulated time
#       timelim2:  double timelim
#       evnts:  the events list, a matrix, one event per row; timelim2 
#               value in first col means this row is free
#       reactevent:  event handler function, user-supplied; creates 
#                    new events upon the occurrence of an old one;
#                    e.g. job arrival triggers either start of 
#                    service for the job or queuing it; call form is
#                    reactevent(evnt,simlist)
#       dbg:  if TRUE, will print simlist$evnts after each call to
#             simlist$reactevent(), and enter R browser for 
#             single-stepping etc.

# the application code can add further application-specific data to
# simlist, e.g. total job queuing time 

# each event will be represented by a matrix row consisting of columns
# for: 
#    occurrence time
#    event type: user-defined numeric code, e.g. 1 for arrival, 2 for 
#       job completion, etc. (must be numeric as this is a matrix, but
#       one can of course give names to the codes)
#    application-specific information, if any

# library functions 
#       newsim:  create a new simlist
#       schedevnt:  schedule a new event 
#       getfreerow:  find a free row in the event set
#       getnextevnt:  pulls the earliest event from the event set,
#                     updates the current simulated time, and 
#                     processes this event; usually not called by users
#       mainloop:  as the name implies
#       cancelevnt:  cancel a previously-scheduled event
#       newqueue:  creates a new work queue
#       appendfcfs:  append job to a FCFS queue
#       delfcfs:  delete head of a FCFS queue
#       exparrivals:  convenience function if arrivals can all be
#                     generated ahead of time

# event set:

#    matrix in simlist
#    one row for each event, rows NOT ordered by event occurrence time
#    first two cols are event time, event type, then app-specific info,
#       if any

# outline of a typical application:

#    mysim <- newsim()    create the simlist
#    set reactevent in mysim
#    set application-specific variables in mysim, if any
#    set the first event(s) in mysim$evnts
#    mainloop(mysim)
#    print results

# create a simlist, which will be the return value, an R environment;
# appcols is the vector of names for the application-specific columns;
# maxesize is the maximum number of rows needed for the event set
newsim <- function(timelim,maxesize,appcols=NULL,aevntset=FALSE,dbg=FALSE) {
   simlist <- new.env()
   simlist$currtime <- 0.0  # current simulated time
   simlist$timelim <- timelim
   simlist$timelim2 <- 2 * timelim
   simlist$passedtime <- function(z) z > simlist$timelim
   simlist$evnts <- 
      matrix(nrow=maxesize,ncol=2+length(appcols))  # event set
   colnames(simlist$evnts) <- c('evnttime','evnttype',appcols)
   simlist$evnts[,1] <- simlist$timelim2
   simlist$aevntset <- aevntset
   if (aevntset) {
      simlist$aevnts <- NULL  # will be reset by exparrivals()
      simlist$nextaevnt <- 1  # row number in aevnts of next arrival
   simlist$dbg <- dbg

# schedule new event in simlist$evnts; evnttime is the time at
# which the event is to occur; evnttype is the event type; appdata is
# a vector of numerical application-specific data
schedevnt <- function(simlist,evnttime,evnttype,appdata=NULL) {
   evnt <- c(evnttime,evnttype,appdata)
   # length of evnt must be number of cols in the event set matrix
   fr <- getfreerow(simlist)
   simlist$evnts[fr,] <- evnt

# find number of the first free row
getfreerow <- function(simlist) {
   evtimes <- simlist$evnts[,1]
   tmp <- Position(simlist$passedtime,evtimes)
   if (is.na(tmp)) stop('no room for new event')

# start to process next event (second half done by application
# programmer via call to reactevnt() from mainloop())
getnextevnt <- function(simlist) {
   # find earliest event
   etimes <- simlist$evnts[,1]
   whichnexte <- which.min(etimes)
   nextetime <- etimes[whichnexte]
   if (simlist$aevntset) {
      nextatime <- simlist$aevnts[simlist$nextaevnt,1]
      if (nextatime < nextetime) {
         oldrow <- simlist$nextaevnt 
         simlist$nextaevnt <- oldrow + 1
   # either don't have a separate arrivals event set, or the next
   # arrival is later than now
   head <- simlist$evnts[whichnexte,]
   simlist$evnts[whichnexte,1] <- simlist$timelim2

## no longer used
## removes event in row i of event set
## delevnt <- function(i,simlist) {
##    # simlist$evnts <- simlist$evnts[-i,,drop=F]  
##    simlist$evnts[i,1] <- Inf
##    simlist$emptyrow <- i
## }

# main loop of the simulation
mainloop <- function(simlist) {
   simtimelim <- simlist$timelim
   while(TRUE) {
      head <- getnextevnt(simlist)  
      etime <- head['evnttime']
      # update current simulated time
      if (etime > simlist$timelim) return()
      simlist$currtime <- etime
      # process this event (programmer-supplied ftn)
      if (simlist$dbg) {
         print("event occurred:")
         print("events list now")

# no longer used; see "March 17" at top of this file
## # binary search of insertion point of y in the sorted vector x; returns
## # the position in x before which y should be inserted, with the value
## # length(x)+1 if y is larger than x[length(x)]; this could be replaced
## # by faster C code
## binsearch <- function(x,y) {
##    n <- length(x)
##    lo <- 1
##    hi <- n
##    while(lo+1 < hi) {
##       mid <- floor((lo+hi)/2)
##       if (y == x[mid]) return(mid)
##       if (y < x[mid]) hi <- mid else lo <- mid
##    }
##    if (y <= x[lo]) return(lo)
##    if (y < x[hi]) return(hi)
##    return(hi+1)
## }

# removes the specified event from the schedule list
cancelevnt <- function(rownum,simlist) {
   simlist$evnts[rownum,1] <- simlist$timelim2

# the work queue functions below assume that queues are represented as
# matrices, one row per queued job, containing application-specific
# information about the job; the matrix is assumed stored in an
# environment, with the matrix being named m

# create and return new queue with ncol columns; the queue is an R
# environment, with the main component being m, the matrix representing
# the queue itself; ncol is up to the user, depending on how many pieces
# of information the user wishes to record about a job
newqueue <- function(simlist) {
   if (is.null(simlist$evnts)) stop('no event set')
   q <- new.env()
   q$m <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=ncol(simlist$evnts))

# appends jobtoqueue to the given queue, assumed of the above form;
# jobtoqueue is a vector of length equal to the number of columns in 
# the queue matrix
appendfcfs <- function(queue,jobtoqueue) {
   if (is.null(queue$m)) {
      queue$m <- matrix(jobtoqueue,nrow=1)
   queue$m <- rbind(queue$m,jobtoqueue)

# deletes and returns head of queue
delfcfs <- function(queue) {
   if (is.null(queue$m)) return(NULL) 
   qhead <- queue$m[1,]
   queue$m <- queue$m[-1,,drop=F]

# in many cases, we have exponential interarrivals that occur
# independently of the rest of the system; this function generates all
# arrivals at the outset, placing them in a separate arrivals event set
exparrivals <- function(simlist,meaninterarr,batchsize=10000) {
   if (!simlist$aevntset) 
      stop("newsim() wasn't called with aevntset TRUE")
   es <- simlist$evnts
   cn <- colnames(es)
   if (cn[3] != 'arrvtime') stop('col 3 must be "arrvtime"')
   if (cn[4] != 'jobnum') stop('col 3 must be "jobnum"')
   erate <- 1 / meaninterarr
   s <- 0
   allarvs <- NULL
   while(s < simlist$timelim) {
      arvs <- rexp(batchsize,erate)
      s <- s + sum(arvs)
      allarvs <- c(allarvs,arvs)
   # may have overshot the mark
   cuallarvs <- cumsum(allarvs)
   allarvs <- allarvs[cuallarvs <= simlist$timelim]
   nallarvs <- length(allarvs)
   if (nallarvs == 0) stop('no arrivals before timelim')
   cuallarvs <- cuallarvs[1:nallarvs]
   maxesize <- nallarvs + nrow(es)
   newes <- matrix(nrow=maxesize,ncol=ncol(es))
   nonempty <- 1:nallarvs
   newes[nonempty,1] <- cuallarvs
   if (is.null(simlist$arrvevnt)) stop('simlist$arrvevnt undefined')
   newes[nonempty,2] <- simlist$arrvevnt
   newes[nonempty,3] <- newes[nonempty,1]
   newes[nonempty,4] <- 1:nallarvs
   newes[-nonempty,1] <- simlist$timelim2
   colnames(newes) <- cn
   simlist$aevnts <- newes
matloff/des documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:56 p.m.