
Defines functions plot.xvalb plot.ydotsMM

Documented in plot.xvalb plot.ydotsMM

# various plots of the estimated alpha_i and beta_j

plot.ydotsMM <- function(ydotsObj,ratingsIn) {
   ydo <- ydotsObj
   rin <- ratingsIn
   names(rin) <- c('user','item','rating')
   ydoalph <- ydo$usrMeans - ydo$grandMean
   ydobeta <- ydo$itmMeans - ydo$grandMean
   plot(density(ydoalph),xlab='est. alpha',main='')
   readline('hit Enter for next graph')
   plot(density(ydobeta),xlab='est. beta',main='')
   rin$alph <- ydoalph[rin[,1]] 
   rin$beta <- ydobeta[rin[,2]] 
   readline('hit Enter for next graph')
   main <- 'smoothed scatter plot'

# plot the output of xval*(); if whichIdxs is specified, then plot only
# those points, e.g. to see how covariates affect prediction
plot.xvalb <- function(xvalObj,whichIdxs=NULL) {
   if (is.null(whichIdxs)) {
      preds <- xvalObj$preds
      actuals <- xvalObj$actuals
   } else {
      preds <- xvalObj$preds[whichIdxs]
      actuals <- xvalObj$actuals[whichIdxs]
   plot(density(preds,na.rm=TRUE),xlab='predicted ratings',main='')
   readline('hit Enter for next graph')
   main <- 'smoothed scatter plot'
matloff/rectools documentation built on March 31, 2022, 12:09 p.m.