
Defines functions xvSmallNi checkxv deleteNewIDs xvalMM

Documented in xvalMM

# splits input data into training and test sets, fits "ydots" model on
# the former, then predicts the latter

# both here and in the MLE case, we must deal with possibility that there
# will be users and/or items in the test set not in the training set; in
# the MLE case, this is handled by the predict() argument
# allow.new.levels; here, we have a function deleteNewIDs()

# arguments:

#   ratingsIn: input data, with first cols (userID,itemID,rating,
#              covariates); data frame, unless cls is non-null, in which
#              case this argument is the quoted name of the distributed 
#              data frame
#   holdout: number of cases for the test data
#   cls: R 'parallel' cluster
#   printTimes: if TRUE, print the training and validation times

# value:

#    accuracy values (MAE, RMS etc.)

xvalMM <- function(ratingsIn,holdout=10000,cls=NULL,printTimes=TRUE)
  parCase <- !is.null(cls)
  if (parCase) {
     warning('see comments in trainMMpar()')
  ratIn = ratingsIn 
  # split into random training and validation sets 
  nrowRatIn = nrow(ratIn)
  # training stage
  testIdxs = sample(1:nrowRatIn,holdout)
  trainSet = ratIn[-testIdxs, ]
  trainRatings = trainSet[,3]
  trainItems = trainSet[,2]
  trainUsers = trainSet[,1]
  tmp <- system.time(
     mmout <- if(!parCase) trainMM(trainSet) else trainMMpar(trainSet,cls)
  if (printTimes) cat('training time: ',tmp,'\n')
  # test stage
  testA = ratIn[testIdxs,]
  tmp <- deleteNewIDs(testA,trainUsers,trainItems)  # see note above
  testA <- tmp$testSet
  deleted <- tmp$deleted
  tmp <- system.time(
     pred <- 
        if (!parCase) predict(mmout,testA[,-3]) else
  if (printTimes) cat('validation time: ',tmp,'\n')
  # calculate accuracy 
  result = list(nFullData=nrowRatIn,holdout=holdout,preds=pred,
  # accuracy measures
  exact <- mean(round(pred) == testA[,3],na.rm=TRUE)
  mad <- mean(abs(pred-testA[,3]),na.rm=TRUE)
  rms= sqrt(mean((pred-testA[,3])^2,na.rm=TRUE))
  # if just guess mean
  meanRat <- mean(testA[,3],na.rm=TRUE)
  overallexact <- 
     mean(round(meanRat) == testA[,3],na.rm=TRUE)
  overallmad <- mean(abs(meanRat-testA[,3]),na.rm=TRUE)
  overallrms <- sd(testA[,3],na.rm=TRUE)  
  result$acc <- list(exact=exact,mad=mad,rms=rms,
  result$idxs <- testIdxs
  result$preds <- pred
  result$actuals <- testA[,3]
  result$type <- 'MM'
  class(result) <- 'xvalb'

# any users or items in test set but not the training set?
deleteNewIDs <- function(testSet,trainUsers,trainItems)
   deleted <- NULL  # named row numbers from the original full data
   rns <- row.names(testSet)
   tmp <- setdiff(unique(testSet[,1]),unique(trainUsers))
   if (length(tmp) > 0) {
      for (usr in tmp) {
         tmp1 <- which(testSet[,1] == usr)
         # tmp1 is ordinal row numbers within testSet; the latter may
         # have shrunken in earlier iterations!
         deleted <- c(deleted,row.names(testSet[tmp1,]))
         testSet <- testSet[-tmp1,]
   tmp <- setdiff(unique(testSet[,2]),unique(trainItems))
   if (length(tmp) > 0) {
      for (itm in tmp) {
         tmp1 <- which(testSet[,2] == itm)
         # tmp1 is ordinal row numbers within testSet; the latter may
         # have shrunken in earlier iterations, here or above!
         deleted <- c(deleted,row.names(testSet[tmp1,]))
         testSet <- testSet[-tmp1,]
   deleted <- unique(deleted)
   list(testSet = testSet, deleted = deleted)

# check
checkxv <- function() {
   check <- data.frame(
   xvout <- xvalMM(check,0.5)
   print(xvout$idxs)  # 1 6 7 8 11 12
   print(xvout$deleted)  # "8" "11"
   check$cv = sample(31:35,12,replace=TRUE)  # covariate

# see how well covs do on small Ni users
xvSmallNi <- function(ratIn,maxN,minN) {
   ri1 <- as.character(ratIn[,1])
   NiVals <- tapply(ri1,ri1,length)
   smallNi <- which(NiVals <= maxN)
   rows <- as.numeric(names(smallNi))
   smallRatIn <- ratIn[rows,]
matloff/rectools documentation built on March 31, 2022, 12:09 p.m.