
Defines functions oy_lineplot oy_cols

Documented in oy_cols oy_lineplot

#' Transport for London Colours
#' A named vector of hexadecimal colour values from Transport for London's
#' \href{http://content.tfl.gov.uk/tfl-colour-standards-issue04.pdf}{colour
#' standard}. Includes corporate, mode-specific and safety colours, as well as
#' London Underground line colours.
#' @param ... Provide either the names or indices of colours in the vector (see
#'     details).
#' @details An empty call returns the whole vector. The colour names are as
#'     follows:
#'    \itemize{
#'        \item corporate: corporate_blue, corporate_red, corporate_grey,
#'            corporate_dark_grey, corporate_yellow, corporate_green,
#'            corporate_black, corporate_white
#'        \item mode-specific: transport_for_london, line_elizabeth,
#'            london_overground, emirates_air_line, santander_cycles,
#'            london_river_services, london_underground, london_buses,
#'            london_dial_a_ride, taxi_private_hire, visitor_centre,
#'            london_coaches, docklands_light_railway, tfl_rail
#'        \item safety: safety_blue, corporate_red, corporate_yellow,
#'            corporate_green
#'    \item London Underground lines: line_bakerloo, line_hammersmith_city,
#'        line_piccadilly, line_central, line_jubilee, line_victoria,
#'        line_circle, line_metropolitan, line_waterloo_city, line_district,
#'        line_northern
#'    \item other logos and identities: oyster_blue, oyster_cyan,
#'        legible_london_blue, legible_london_yellow
#'    }
#' @return A named vector object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' oy_cols()  # return full named vector
#' oy_cols("oyster_blue", "oyster_cyan")  # return named values
#' oy_cols(1:5)  # return first five elements

oy_cols <- function(...) {

  cols <- c(...)

  oyster_colours <- c(

    corporate_blue = "#0019A8",
    corporate_red = "#DC241F",
    corporate_grey = "#868F98",
    corporate_dark_grey = "#414B56",
    corporate_yellow = "#FFCE00",
    corporate_green = "#007229",
    corporate_black = "#000000",
    corporate_white = "#FFFFFF",

    transport_for_london = "#0019A8",
    line_elizabeth = "#9364CC",
    london_overground = "#EF7B10",
    london_trams = "#00BD19",
    emirates_air_line = "#DC241F",
    santander_cycles = "#DC241F",
    london_river_services = "#00A0E2",
    london_underground = "#0019A8",
    london_buses = "#DC241F",
    london_dial_a_ride = "#B727BF",
    taxi_private_hire = "#8480D7",
    visitor_centre = "#DC006B",
    london_coaches = "#F1AB00",
    docklands_light_railway = "#00AFAD",
    tfl_rail = "#0019A8",

    safety_blue = "#0060A8",

    line_bakerloo = "#B26300",
    line_hammersmith_city = "#F4A9BE",
    line_piccadilly = "#0019A8",
    line_central = "#DC241F",
    line_jubilee = "#A1A5A7",
    line_victoria = "#0098D8",
    line_circle = "#FFD329",
    line_metropolitan = "#9B0058",
    line_waterloo_city = "#93CEBA",
    line_district = "#007D32",
    line_northern = "#000000",

    oyster_blue = "#001DF2",
    oyster_cyan = "#00F2F2",
    legible_london_blue = "#061A30",
    legible_london_yellow = "#F0BB00"

  # Handle input issues
  if (is.null(cols)) {
    return (oyster_colours)
  } else if (any(is.na(cols))) {
    stop("Please provide colour names or indices only.")
  } else if (is.numeric(cols) & max(cols) > length(oyster_colours)) {
    stop("You've provided an index that's out of range.\n",
      "Choose only values between 1 and ", length(oy_cols()), ".")
  } else if (is.character(cols) & !all(cols %in% names(oyster_colours))) {
    stop("You've provided an invalid colour name.\n",
      "See ?oy_cols for details or print colour names with names(oy_cols()).")
  } else if (!is.null(cols)) {


#' Line Plot of Oyster Journey Data
#' Outputs a simple time series line plot of Oyster journey data that's been
#' cleaned with \code{\link{oy_clean}}.
#' @param data \code{data.frame} of Oyster journey history data cleaned using
#'     \code{\link{oy_clean()}}.
#' @param x_var The name of the variable from \code{data} that you want on the x
#'     axis. This is restricted currently to \code{datetime_start}.
#' @param y_var The name of the continuous variable from \code{data} for the y
#'     axis. Choose \code{"journey_duration"} or \code{"balance"}.
#' @param weekdays Logical. \code{FALSE} returns data for all days of the week.
#'     Restrict the output to Monday to Friday with \code{TRUE}.
#' @param mode Currently restricted to \code{"Train"}.
#' @importFrom graphics mtext
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases
#' @return A plot.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' my_df <- oy_read("path/to/folder/")
#' my_df_clean <- oy_clean(my_df)
#' oy_lineplot(my_df_clean, y_var = "Balance", weekdays = FALSE)
#' }

oy_lineplot <- function(
  data, x_var = "datetime_start", y_var = "journey_duration",
  weekdays = FALSE, mode = "Train"
) {

  # Handle input
  if (!class(data) %in% c("data.frame", "tbl_df", "tbl")) {
      "The data object should be of class 'data.frame'.",
      "You provided an object of class '", class(data), "'."
  } else if (!x_var %in% c("datetime_start", "datetime_end")) {
      "For now, the x_var argument must be 'datetime_start'.\n",
      "You provided the variable '", x_var, "'."
  } else if (!y_var %in% c("journey_duration", "balance")) {
      "For now, the y_var argument must be 'journey_duration' or 'balance'.\n",
      "You provided '", y_var, "'."
  } else if (!weekdays %in% c(TRUE, FALSE)) {
      "The weekdays argument must be TRUE or FALSE. You provided '", y_var, "'."
  else if (mode != "Train") {
      "For now, the mode argument must be 'Train'. You provided '", mode, "'."

  # Eliminate weekends
  if (weekdays == TRUE) {
    data <- data[!data$weekday_start %in% c("Saturday", "Sunday"), ]
  } else { data }

  # Wrangle
  df <- data[data$mode == mode, c(x_var, y_var)]  # train only
  df <- df[complete.cases(df), ]  # no rows with NA in x or y

  # Plot
    x = df[, x_var], y = df[, y_var],
    type = "l", las = 1,
    xlab = "Date-time start",
    ylab = ifelse(y_var == "journey_duration", "Duration (minutes)",
                  ifelse(y_var == "balance", "Balance (£)", "ERROR"

  mytitle = paste(mode, "journeys")
  mysubtitle = ifelse(weekdays == TRUE, "Weekdays only", "All days of the week")
  mtext(side = 3, line = 2, adj = 0, cex = 1.2, mytitle)
  mtext(side = 3, line = 1, adj = 0, cex = 1, mysubtitle)

matt-dray/oystr documentation built on Jan. 20, 2021, 6:43 a.m.