
#' @title Wrap data into a grid object
#' @description Wrap an array in a grid object (as defined in the `loadeR` bundle)
#' @param data N-dimensional Array. The number of dimensions depends on the type of gridded data: 4 in case of ensemble data, 3 in the other cases.
#' @param copy_from_grid Existing grid object to use for the definition of all the parameters except \code{"data"} 
#' @param dimNames A vector containing the name of the dimensions contained into \code{"data"} in the right order
#' @param varname The name of the variable contained into \code{"data"} 
#' @param lat Vector with latitude values (assuming latLonProjection)
#' @param lon Vector with longitude values (assuming latLonProjection)
#' @param timeVector If specified it contains all the time stamps for the \code{"data"} time dimension  
#' @param timeStart The time stamp of the first value of \code{"data"}
#' @param intervalLength The length (e.g. "1 day") of each time step
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Averaging two grid data fields (g1 and g2)
#' g_average = gridDataWrapper(data = 0.5*g1$Data + 0.5 * g2$Data, copy_from_grid = g1)
#' }
#' @export
#' @author M. De Felice
gridDataWrapper <- function(data, copy_from_grid = NULL, dimNames = NULL, varname, lat, lon, timeVector = NULL, timeStart, intervalLength) {
  # Copy_from_grid let the user have the possibility to copy all the parameters from an existing grid object. 
  # This is particularly useful when you are doing computations on a data field, e.g. an average between two fields with the same size
  if (!is.null(copy_from_grid)) {
    if (!is.list(copy_from_grid)) {
      stop('Object in copy_from_grid must be a list')
    message("[", Sys.time(), "] ", "Copying names, grid and time vector from another grid object...")
    # Copy all the parameters from another grid object
    if (!is.null(dimNames)) warning('DimNames will be overwritten due to copy_from_grid...')
    dimNames <- attr(copy_from_grid$Data, "dimensions")
    if (!missing("varname")) warning('Varname will be overwritten due to copy_from_grid...')
    varname  <- copy_from_grid$Variable$varName
    if (!missing("lat")) warning('Lat will be overwritten due to copy_from_grid...')
    lat      <- copy_from_grid$xyCoords$y
    if (!missing("lon")) warning('Lon will be overwritten due to copy_from_grid...')
    lon      <- copy_from_grid$xyCoords$x
    if (!missing("timeStart") || !is.null(timeVector)) warning('Time information will be overwritten due to copy_from_grid...')
    timeVector <- copy_from_grid$Dates$start
  if (length(dim(data)) == 2) {
    warning('Data has only two dimensions and it is converted into a 3D array with time dimension of size 1')
    data <- array(data, dim = c(1, dim(data)))
    if (!is.null(dimNames)) {
      dimNames = c('time', dimNames)
  } else if (length(dim(data)) < 2 || length(dim(data)) > 4 ) {
    stop('Number of data dimensions is wrong')
  if (is.null(dimNames)) {
    if (length(dim(data)) == 3) {
      dimNames <- c("time", "lat", "lon")
    } else {
      dimNames <- c("member", "time", "lat", "lon")
  # Variable
  Variable <- list("varName" = varname, "level" = NULL,
                   "use_dictionary" = FALSE)
  # Data     
  Data <- data
  attr(Data, "dimensions") <- dimNames
  # Coordinates
  lat_dim_index <- match("lat", dimNames)
  lon_dim_index <- match("lon", dimNames)
  if ((dim(data)[lat_dim_index] != length(lat)) || (dim(data)[lon_dim_index] != length(lon))) {
    stop("Lat/lon vectors are not consistent with data dimensions")
  xyCoords <- list(x = lon, y = lat)
  attr(xyCoords, "projection") <- "LatLonProjection"
  # Dates
  if (is.null(timeVector)) {
    time_dim_index <- match("time", dimNames)
    if (intervalLength == '1 month') {
      # Monthly intervals should be dealt differently from other intervals (daily, weekly) because the length of the interval
      # is not constant, e.g. 30-01-2016 + 1 month -> 29-02-2016 
      timeVector <- as.Date(timeStart) %m+% months(seq(1,  dim(data)[time_dim_index]))
    } else {
      timeVector <- seq(as.POSIXct(timeStart), length = dim(data)[time_dim_index], by = intervalLength)    
  # Check consistency with data
  if (length(timeVector) != dim(data)[match("time", dimNames)]) {
    stop('Length of time vector is not consistent with data time-dimension')
  Dates <- list("start" = format(as.Date(timeVector), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), 
                "end" = format(as.Date(timeVector), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
  out <- list("Variable" = Variable, "Data" = Data, "xyCoords" = xyCoords, "Dates" = Dates)
matteodefelice/eneaR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:59 p.m.