
Defines functions create_gating_dt

#' Gating datatable for display in UI
#' @param temp_reactive_gating_df reactive gating dataframe to use as contents
#' @import magrittr
#' @noRd
#' @return an interactive data table
create_gating_dt <- function(temp_reactive_gating_df) {
    temp_gating_dt <- DT::datatable(temp_reactive_gating_df,
        rownames = TRUE,
        selection = "single", # only let user click 1 row at a time so only that one gate can be shown in plot. Otherwise, app will crash.
        editable = list(
            target = "cell",
            disable = list(columns = c(0:4, 6:ncol(temp_reactive_gating_df)))
        ), # only cells in column 5(subset_name) can be edited by user
        extensions = c("Buttons", "Scroller"),
        options = list(
            deferRender = TRUE,
            scroller = TRUE,
            scrollY = 300,
            scrollX = TRUE,
            dom = "frtipB",
            buttons = c("copy", "print"),
            columnDefs = list(list(visible = FALSE, targets = c(11:ncol(temp_reactive_gating_df))))
    ) %>%
            columns = c(
            digits = 4

maxsonBraunLab/CITE-Viz documentation built on Oct. 26, 2023, 9:52 p.m.