
#' Function for creating nicely-formatted correlation matrices.
#' \code{fancyCorr} creates nicely-formatted correlation matrices. 
#' This function creates correlation matrices. Created as a mercy to my PSYC 5410 students.
#' @param data Data frame containing the variables to be included in the matrix.
#' @param digits The number of decimals to which the correlation coefficeents and 
#'  standard deviations (if applicable) should be printed. Defaults to 2.
#' @param p.digits The number of decimals to which the p-values should be printed. Defaults to 3.
#' @param listwise Logical; should all rows containing missing data be removed? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param p.adj Logical; should the p-values be adjusted for multiple comparisons? Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param sd.on.diag Logical; should the diagonal be replaced with standard deviations? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param p.on.upper Should p-values for the correlations be printed on the upper triangle? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @param stars Should statistically significant correlation coefficients be starred? Defaults to FALSE. 
#' @param star.thresholds A vector of three values corresponding to p-value thresholds that should
#'  receive one, two, or three stars. Only operative if stars=TRUE. Defaults to c(.05, .01, .001).
#' @examples
#' set.seed(110)
#' data <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(50), ncol=5))
#' fancyCorr(data)
#' fancyCorr(data, digits=3, p.digits=3, listwise=F, sd.on.diag=F, 
#'   p.adj=F, stars=T, star.thresholds=c(0,0,.1), p.on.upper=F)
#' @export

fancyCorr <- function(data, digits=2, p.digits=3, listwise=T, p.adj=F, sd.on.diag=T,
                      p.on.upper=T, stars=F, star.thresholds=c(.05, .01, .001)) {

  approx.p.threshold <- 1/(10^p.digits)
  # if listwise=T, drop rows containing missing data
  if (listwise==T) {
    data <- data[complete.cases(data),]
  # calculate SDs
  sds <-  apply(data, 2, sd, na.rm=TRUE)
  # calculate correlations, p-values, etc
  corr.matrix <- psych::corr.test(data)
  # extract and round the correlation coefficients
  corrs <- format(round(corr.matrix$r, digits=digits), nsmall=digits)
  # extract the p-values
  p <- corr.matrix$p
  if (p.adj==T) {
    # replace lower triangle (unadjusted p values) with 
    #  the adjusted p values from the upper triangle
    p[lower.tri(p)] <- t(p)[lower.tri(t(p))]
  } else {
    # replace upper triangle (adjusted p values) with 
    #  the adjusted p values from the lower triangle
    p[upper.tri(p)] <- t(p)[upper.tri(t(p))]
  # add stars to correlation values if stars=T
  if (stars==T) {
    corrs[p<star.thresholds[1]] <- paste0(corrs[p<star.thresholds[1]], "*")
    corrs[p<star.thresholds[2]] <- paste0(corrs[p<star.thresholds[2]], "*")
    corrs[p<star.thresholds[3]] <- paste0(corrs[p<star.thresholds[3]], "*")
  if (sd.on.diag==T) {
    # replace diagonal with standard deviations in parentheses
    diag(corrs) <- paste0("(", format(sds,digits=digits), ")")
  } else {
    diag(corrs) <- rep("1", times=nrow(corrs))
  if (p.on.upper==T) {
     corrs[upper.tri(corrs)] <- 
        p[upper.tri(p)] < approx.p.threshold, 
        paste0("<", approx.p.threshold), 
        format(round(p[upper.tri(p)], p.digits), nsmall=p.digits))
  } else {corrs[upper.tri(corrs)] <- ""}
mcbeem/fancyCorr documentation built on May 23, 2019, 2:50 p.m.