Man pages for mcbeem/giftedCalcs
Psychometrics for Gifted Program Identification

boot_estimate_validBootstrapping with a progress bar
conditional_momentsConditional moments of scores
conditional_p_idConditional probability of identification
cor_meanCorrelation between each assessment and the weighted mean of...
cross_corrs_lower_leftcross_corrs_lower_left: calculates the cross correlation...
cross_corrs_upper_rightcross_corrs_upper_right: calculates the cross correlation...
d_identifiedConditional density of true or observed scores for identified...
d_identified_vConditional density of true or observed scores for identified...
errortrappingCatch out-of-range parameter values
estimate_performanceEstimate psychometric parameters of an identification system...
estimate_validEstimate the nomination validity of an identification system...
giftedCalcs-packagePsychometrics for gifted and talented program identification
marginal_psychometricsMarginal performance statistics for identification systems
marginal_psychometrics_MCMarginal psychometrics for multiple criteria identification...
mean_identifiedMean of the conditional distribution of true or observed...
optimal_idOptimal identification
p_identifiedConditional cumulative density function of true or observed...
plot.est_performancePlot method for class est_performance
plot.perf_by_cutoffPlot method for class perf_by_cutoff
print.est_performancePrint method for class est_performance
print.perf_by_cutoffPrint method for class perf_by_cutoff
q_identifiedQuantile function for true or observed scores for identified...
reliability_meanReliability of the weighted mean of assessments
r_identifiedRandom generation from the distribution of true or observed...
rowwise_comparerowwise_compare: function for comparing two vectors
sd_identifiedStandard deviation of the conditional distribution of true or...
shrinkage_meanShrinkage of the standard deviation of the mean of a set of...
true_corrstrue_corrs: calculates the true score correlation matrix from...
var_meanThe variance of the weighted mean of assessments
mcbeem/giftedCalcs documentation built on May 3, 2022, 3:34 a.m.