marginal_psychometrics: Marginal performance statistics for identification systems

View source: R/marginal_psychometrics_function.R

marginal_psychometricsR Documentation

Marginal performance statistics for identification systems


This function calculates marginal performance statistics for one- and two-stage identification systems. A two-stage system is one in which an initial nomination process is used to select students who are tested on the confirmatory assessment.


  relyt = 0.9,
  valid = 1e-07,
  nom.cutoff = 1e-07,
  mu = 0



Confirmatory test reliability coefficient. Range (0, 1). Must not be exactly 0 or 1. Defaults to .9.


Confirmatory test cutoff percentile. Range (0, 1). Must not be exactly 0 or 1.


Nomination validity coefficient. Controls the relatedness of the nomination scores and the confirmatory test scores. Range (0, 1). Must not be exactly 0 or 1, and must be less than the square root of the test reliability.


Nomination cutoff percentile. Range (0, 1). Must not be exactly 0 or 1.


Population mean true score on a standardized (z-score) metric. Defaults to zero.


Two-stage system results are reported if arguments valid and nom.cutoff are provided. Otherwise, one-stage results are reported.

The function returns a list containing the following:

sensitivity: The proportion of qualifying students who are identified.

IIR: Incorrect identification rate; the proportion of identified students who do not qualify.

nom.rate: Nomination rate; the proportion of students who are nominated, which controls testing costs. (Two-stage only).

nom.passrate: The proportion of nominated students who go on to be identified. (Two-stage only)

identification.rate: The proportion of the student population that is identified.


# one-stage system
marginal_psychometrics(mu = 0, test.cutoff = .9, relyt = .95)

# two-stage system
  mu = 0, test.cutoff = .9,
  nom.cutoff = .8, relyt = .95, valid = .7

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