optimal_id: Optimal identification

View source: R/optimal_id_function.R

optimal_idR Documentation

Optimal identification


This function calculates the reliability of a weighted mean of assessments given the reliability coefficient of each assessment, the correlations between them, and the weights.


optimal_id(rely, r, w = NA, test.cutoff, nom.cutoff)



A vector of reliability coefficients.


Either a correlation matrix or a vector of unique correlations. It is recommended to specify the correlations as a matrix to avoid erronous pairings of assessment correlations with reliability coefficients and weights, since this can be confusing if the correlations are supplied as a vector. Presumes that the correlation matrix has the same order of assessments as the reliability and weight vectors.


A vector of weights. Will be internally normalized to sum to 1 and presumes the same order of assessments as the correlation matrix and vector of reliabilities. If omitted, it is assumed that all assessments have the same weight.


r <- matrix(c(
  1, .4, .7,
  .4, 1, .5,
  .7, .5, 1
), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
rely <- c(.9, .9, .9)
  rely = rely, r = r, w = c(1, 1, 1),
  test.cutoff = .9, nom.cutoff = .85

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