
Defines functions optimal_id

Documented in optimal_id

#' Optimal identification
#' This function calculates the reliability of a weighted mean of assessments given the
#'  reliability coefficient of each assessment, the correlations between them, and the
#'  weights.
#' @param rely A vector of reliability coefficients.
#' @param r Either a correlation matrix or a vector of unique correlations. It is
#'  recommended to specify the correlations as a matrix to avoid
#'  erronous pairings of assessment correlations with reliability coefficients and weights,
#'  since this can be confusing if the correlations are supplied as a vector. Presumes that the
#'  correlation matrix has the same order of assessments as the reliability and weight vectors.
#' @param w A vector of weights. Will be internally normalized to sum to 1 and presumes the
#'  same order of assessments as the correlation matrix and vector of reliabilities.
#'  If omitted, it is assumed that all assessments have the same weight.
#' @examples
#' r <- matrix(c(
#'   1, .4, .7,
#'   .4, 1, .5,
#'   .7, .5, 1
#' ), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
#' rely <- c(.9, .9, .9)
#' optimal_id(
#'   rely = rely, r = r, w = c(1, 1, 1),
#'   test.cutoff = .9, nom.cutoff = .85
#' )
#' @export

optimal_id <- function(rely, r, w = NA, test.cutoff, nom.cutoff) {

  # if no weights were provided, create a vector of equal weights
  if (is.na(min(w))) {
    w <- rep(1 / length(rely), times = length(rely))

  # check weights
  if (min(w) < 0) {
    stop("Weights must be positive")

  # normalize the weights
  w <- w / sum(w)

  # if no weights were provided, create a vector of equal weights
  if (is.na(min(w))) {
    w <- rep(1 / length(rely), times = length(rely))

  # check weights
  if (min(w) < 0) {
    stop("Weights must be positive")

  # normalize the weights
  w <- w / sum(w)

  # make sure r is either a vector or matrix
  if (!is.vector(r) & !is.matrix(r)) {
    stop("r must be a correlation matrix or a vector of unique correlations")

  # make sure reliability coefficients are between zero and one
  if (min(rely) < 0 | max(rely) >= 1) {
    stop("rely contains an out-of-range value. reliability coefficients must be between zero and one.")

  if (is.vector(r)) {
    # check that r contains valid correlation values
    if (min(r) < -1 | max(r) >= 1) {
      stop("r contains an out-of-range correlation value")
    # if r is supplied as a vector, 1s should not be included
    if (max(r) == 1) {
      warning("r contains one or more values of 1. The vector of unique correlations provided to this function should not include the 1s from the diagonal. Ensure that the values in r are intended")

    # make sure that the length of r is compatible with choose(n,2)
    if (!(length(r) %in% choose(seq(2, 100), 2))) {
      stop("length of vector r is incorrect")

    # find the number of assessments from the set of correlations
    p <- 1
    while (p^2 < 2 * length(r)) {
      p <- p + 1

    # check that the lengths of r, weights, and rely are compatible
    if (min(c(p, length(rely), length(w)) == rep(length(w), 3)) == 0) {
      stop("The number of assessments implied by the length of r, the number of weights, and the number of reliability coefficients must be the same")
    # now build the correlation matrix
    cov <- matrix(1, p, p)
    cov[lower.tri(cov)] <- r
    t.cov <- t(cov)
    cov[upper.tri(cov)] <- t.cov[upper.tri(t.cov)]

    unique.r <- r

  if (is.matrix(r)) {
    # check that r is square and has 1s on the diagonal
    if ((dim(r)[1] != dim(r)[2]) | (max(diag(r) != rep(1, dim(r)[1])))) {
      stop("r must be a square correlation matrix with ones on the diagonal or a vector of unique correlations")

    # check that r is symmetric
    if (!isSymmetric(r)) {
      stop("the correlation matrix r must be symmetric")

    cov <- r
    p <- nrow(cov)
    unique.r <- r[lower.tri(r)]

  # check that correlation matrix is positive definite
  if (matrixcalc::is.positive.definite(cov) == FALSE) stop("correlation matrix is not positive definite")

  # check that no correlation exceeds the sqrt of the prod of the reliabilities
  checkmat <- sqrt(as.matrix(rely) %*% t(as.matrix(rely)))
  diag(checkmat) <- 1
  if (min(checkmat - cov) < 0) {
    stop("a correlation is larger than the square root of the product of the involved reliability coefficients")

  # make sure r is either a vector or matrix
  if (!is.vector(r) & !is.matrix(r)) {
    stop("r must be a correlation matrix or a vector of unique correlations")

  # make sure reliability coefficients are between zero and one
  if (min(rely) < 0 | max(rely) >= 1) {
    stop("rely contains an out-of-range value. reliability coefficients must be between zero and one.")

  # calculate the nomination validity coefficient based on each assessment
  valid <- cor_mean(r = r, w = w)

  # calculate the reliability of the mean
  relyt <- reliability_mean(r = r, w = w, rely = rely)

  # calculate the shrinkage-adjusted test cutoff
  adj.test.cutoff <- qnorm(
    test.cutoff, 0,
    sqrt(giftedCalcs::var_mean(r = r, w = w))

    reliabilities = rely,
    r = r,
    weights = w,
    valid = valid,
    adj.test.cutoff.z = adj.test.cutoff,
    marginal_psychometrics = sapply(valid, marginal_psychometrics,
      relyt = relyt,
      test.cutoff = test.cutoff, nom.cutoff = nom.cutoff
mcbeem/giftedCalcs documentation built on May 3, 2022, 3:34 a.m.